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20 Ways to Surprise Your Love Looking to be unique, romantic or simply different this Valentine's? Here are 20 sweet surprises guaranteed to keep your love remembering how special he or she is to you.
Strawberry French Toast
They say the fastest way to the heart is through the stomach. If that's the case, you'll have your valentine swooning in no time!
History of Valentine's Day
Ever wonder why we celebrate Valentine’s Day? And how did Cupid get caught up in it? Get the answers to all your questions as we take a look at how this special holiday came to be.
Spend a Night In
Going out can become expensive and tiring.With a little creativity, you and your mate can find fun ways to make the most of your own home!
The Mystery of Chemistry
It’s a miracle. Your eyes meet. Your personalities click, and your secret, inner souls connect. You can feel the chemistry sizzling.
Quizzes and Such |
How Well Do You Know One Another?
Ever wonder what your significant other is thinking? What his or her take is on things? Take this simple quiz together - it's bound to bring you closer!
 Wednesday at 8PM Dr. Phil talks with couples who have the same fights over and over again. Plus, Dr. Phil addresses his number one concern regarding parents who fight.
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