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ID/Password Help
· Change Your Password
· Request New Password
· Yahoo! ID Recovery
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How do I change my password?
If you would like to change your Yahoo! password, just sign in to your Yahoo! account with your current password and click on the Account Info or My Account link at the top of the page. You will be asked to re-enter your current password for verification. Then:
  1. Click on the "Change Password" link.
  2. Enter your current password in the first box.
  3. Enter your new password (as you would like it to be) in the second box.
  4. Confirm your new password in the third box.
  5. Click the "Save" button.
Your Yahoo! password will always apply to your entire Yahoo! account. This means that it will be valid not only for Yahoo! Mail, but also for Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Chat, My Yahoo!, Yahoo! Finance, and all of Yahoo!'s other personalized services.

Please Note: To better protect your account, make sure that your password is memorable for you but difficult for others to guess. Never use the same password that you have used in the past, and do not share your password with anyone. For security purposes, your new password must be a minimum of six characters long. A good password contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters (remember that your password is case sensitive), numbers, and special characters such as +, ?, and *.

For additional information on choosing a strong password, please visit the Yahoo! Security Center.

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