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Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Offering low cost, high quality hair transplants for only
$3 per graft! Contact us today to receive a free info package, and to reserve your $200 travel allowance before it expires! - Guaranteed quality and customer care backed by 32 years experience with 17,000 procedures for men and women.



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Top 10 Reasons To Choose AHTC

1. Experience Matters: We've been in business longer then most clinics with 32 years experience and 17,000 procedures for men and women.

2. Pay Less and Get More with AHTC: We offer the lowest price hair grafts you will find anywhere. Not just 1-2 hair follicular grafts, but grafts of any size. Our $3 hair grafts, any size, offer you a greater savings per actual hair then all these other clinics that boast of "all follicular unit grafts." FU grafts are great for frontal hair loss and hair lines, but for density and the crown area, larger grafts like mini's 3-5 hairs per graft, will give you better results and cost you far less per actual hair.
-- Don't be fooled by the marketing hype that ALL FU grafts are always the best. In some areas they are the best (especially for the frontal hair line), in other areas, like the crown, larger grafts offer you greater density and a more natural appearance. However, the right kind of grafts for you always depend on your individual hair loss needs.

3. The Unethical Approach To Pricing: We do not employ the common hair transplant marketing gimmick of - "the more grafts you buy, the cheaper they are." -- This "buy in bulk" philosophy is a marketing gimmick to sell more grafts and it is just plain wrong and unethical.
-- Our price, for 500 or 2,500 hair grafts, (at any size) is and always will be $3. - Plus, for all those who choose more then 1,000 grafts, we offer a $200 travel allowance and 100 free hairs. Many clinics only offer a reduced price if you order a high number of grafts, typically 1,000 and up.

4. Highest Survival Rate of Hair Grafts: We have a higher survival rate of implanted grafts that other patients who visited other clinics find uncommon. Our survival rate of implanted grafts is one of the highest in the industry.

5. We Are Not A Chain Clinic: We are not a chain clinic offering hair transplants for extremely high prices to pay for our high advertising costs and expensive office space. We are a single clinic that does not employ silver tongue salespeople or "consultants" fast talking you into spending more money then necessary. When you contact AHTC, you will get in touch with Kris Johnson, our Medical Director. He is not a "sales consultant." He is the individual who will be in charge of your actual procedure. In other words, from your first contact to the procedure and through your hair transplant recovery, you will always be in touch with our Medical Director that consults with you, leads your procedure, and advises you afterwards. He is not a consultant or salesman. He's just an HT expert and he will be with you ALL THE WAY!
-- Chain clinic not only have higher prices, they have a higher turnover rate of medical personnel and their doctors have less experience with hair transplants then we do.

6. Experts at Treating Women: When it comes to women, we've had a lot of experience in satisfying their hair loss needs. For women, their hair loss pattern can be different and requires a different approach. We have treated over 1,000 women and solved their hair loss problem - and we can solve yours.

7. You Receive All The Grafts You Pay For & Often More! - We've had countless patients who've complained to us that they did not receive the amount of grafts they paid for at their last hair transplant doctor. For example, a patient visits ABC Clinic Inc,, pays for 1,000 grafts, but after the surgery inspects his grafts and firmly believes he only received 600 or so grafts. We have seen this problem with other hair transplant doctors time after time and AHTC is appalled at what how these other firms are taking advantage of their patients.
-- PLEASE REST ASSURED - that if you order and pay for 1,000 grafts, you will receive 1,000 grafts - if not more! When we extract the donor area, we remove a donor area that will fulfill more than 1,000 grafts. We go through a triple check of the number of grafts you are paying for - to make sure you receive exactly what you pay for - if not more! If we extract more then 1,000 grafts, you will receive more then you pay for. Nothing is more unethical then throwing away perfectly good grafts just because they weren't included in the price. If we extract more then 1,000 grafts - we insert them FOR FREE!!

8. It's Worth The Trip: Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic offers more experience, a higher quality of graft implantation and lower price then clinics in your own home town. If you live in Seattle, Washington -- it will still cost you less to visit our clinic then one in your own home town when their average cost per graft is $7-9 per graft. Furthermore, hair transplants is what we do all day. We have seen it all and done it all and this is what we specialize in. Like any businessman filled with pride in his own business, we take pride and special care in what we do. Why visit your local doctor, to pay 2-3x more money, for a procedure that doctor might only perform 10-20 times a year? That doesn't make sense. Hair Transplants is what we do. It's what we care about the most. We've done it for men and women for over 32 years with 17,000 procedures - and offer the highest quality for the lowest price. Why would you choose any other doctor? It doesn't matter where you live in the USA, our quality, our price -beats any doctor in your hometown and we believe - it' worth the trip!

9. Our Low Price Also Means Highest Quality: There a lot of clinics out there today offering so called "superior hair transplant procedures" and hair grafts for a low cost. AHTC was the first to offer $3 hair grafts, and we are the only one to offer them in any size. From the countless consultations we have received from "victims" of these discount clinics and chain clinics, they got exactly what they paid for - not much!! Or in some cases, paid too much for too little. They were victims, and we feel their regret and sorrow for being fooled by other HT clinics. -- However, at AHTC, we DO offer the lowest price for the highest Quality - Period!

10. We Treat Each Patient As Unique and Special - Just as no two snowflakes are alike, no two hair transplant patients are exactly alike. Each one has unique hair loss and treatment needs that require the highest medical and artistic approach to give them the best results. And although we've treated 17,000 patients and treat more in 1 month then most clinics do in an entire year, we approach each patient with one thing in mind: - Giving them the highest quality hair transplant they can possibly receive. It was no accident that we have the domain name,, it reflects our approach and care for customer satisfaction for each one of our patients. Yes, we offer the lowest price in the industry, but we believe the most important factor for choosing Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic is our experience, the quality of work we do, and our goal of 100 percent customer satisfaction.

Contact us today for more information and to reserve your $200 travel allowance which we are only offering for a limited time!

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