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Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic
Serving Miami residents in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Offering low cost, high quality hair transplants for only $3 per graft! Contact us today to receive a free info package, and to reserve your $200 travel allowance before it expires! - Guaranteed quality and customer care backed by 32 years experience with 17,000 procedures for men and women.


Hair Transplantation


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Travel Information To AHTC

1. Free Travel Services - Approximately 3 out of 4 of our patients fly into Fort Lauderdale to have their hair transplant surgery performed by Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic, so we are very experienced with helping patients with their travel needs. For no additional cost, we offer these services to our patients.

  • We will pick you up at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (airport code = FLL) and provide free transportation directly to our clinic or your hotel. (Between the hours of 8 am to 7 pm).

  • We can make reservations for you at national chain hotel facilities located close to our clinic. We have negotiated special rates exclusively for our patients and offer different hotel choices based on your budget.

  • We provide free transportation back to your hotel or Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport after your surgery.

2: Florida Mileage Chart - If you live in Florida and choose Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic for your hair restoration needs, we have compiled this mileage chart to refer to for your convenience. All mileage estimations are made from your originating city to the front door of our clinic. The mileage distances given are approximations and will vary according to your home address.

Fort Myers 136
Jacksonville - 330
Miami 25
Orlando 222
Panama City 609
Pensacola 685
St. Petersburg 244
Tallahassee 493
Tampa -------- 260

3: Find a Travel Agent. Although the internet offers many great websites to assist you in your travel arrangements, travel agents can make your flight arrangements easier and often find better rates not published on the internet.

Find a Travel Agent in Your City/State

4. Fort Lauderdale Links of Interest

Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau

Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce


Fort Lauderdale, Florida Area Guide

For more information about making travel arrangements, please use our contact us form

Contact us today for more information and to reserve your $200 travel allowance which we are only offering for a limited time!

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