Productive Boat Handling 
Most anglers would have been
delighted. Fish flashed
their presence on the depth finder screen and the
bottom rose dramatically to signal a wreck.
Saltwater Fly Fishing
If you're already hooked on
saltwater fly fishing or would like to be, here is a fast read on
putting the right outfit together.

Guide To Releasing
The jury reached its verdict a long time ago. Repeated tagging studies on a multitude of
species from shark to striped bass and redfish to billfish demonstrate convincingly that
the majority of fish can survive being caught if they are released correctly.
Bones On Fly
Bonefish show with a suddenness. An instant before, the flats seem
void of life except
perhaps for a ray mudding in the soft marl or a small shark cruising without a
predetermined pattern. An indistinct shading on the bottom some distance away appears to
show movement.
questions that come up all the time on this website are; “What’s
best lure for __________?” (fill in the blank) and,
“What is the best color of that lure to use?”
The first question is far more complicated to answer, due to
the many variables involved.