The history of Oceania comprises many detailed and fascinating events that occurred over many thousands of years. It is worth mentioning among these the Peruvian slave raids of 1862 and 1863 which struck the islands of Polynesia with devastating impact. Some of these events are recorded in the historic images below.
The image below is of the last surviving slave photographed in 1921.
Fakaofo village, Tokelau Islands.
Women and children of Funafuti, Tuvalu, c. 1860.
Unnamed chief, Samoa.
A street scene in Gaile, Papua New Guinea c. 1925
Leaving from Gaile to Port Moresby by Canoe c. 1925.
I-Kiribati dancers, photographed by Robert Louis Stevenson c. 1889.
The Harem of King Binoka of Abemama, Kiribati, taken by Robert Louis Stevenson c. 1889.
The above four images were taken on Christmas (Kiritimati) Island, Line Islands, Kiribati.
Early image of Samoan coastline.
Early image of Samoa Island.
Early Samoan street scenery.
Trobriand Islanders c. 1925.
Honolulu about 1850.
A Niuean in 1862.
Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries