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  The Mail Bag
Posted: Wednesday September 11, 2002
The Hotel Travel Network's senior writer Robin Gillow will answer your questions, comments, views and experiences on the 1st and 15th of every month in
"The Mailbag".

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Send me your point of view or any question you have about Asia and its neighbouring countries.
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If you have never travelled to the Philippines before or just require some up to the minute information then this is the page to ask on. If we don't already have the answers on our extensive guide pages, we will find it for you.

What is the best time to visit, weather wise?

What is the best time to visit weather wise? I want to have the best holiday's long awaited and want to visit during the sunniest weather.

Gary Green, New York

November to April are the recommended months to visit the islands. November and December are the coolest months, with daytime temperatures of around 28°C, while March, April and May are very hot: expect temperatures to peak at 35°C. Watch out for Christmas and Easter when the whole of the Philippines hits the road and getting a seat on a bus or plane can be difficult.
Do you have any information on the Taal Basilica?

Do you have any information on the Taal Basilica and where it is located?

Margaret Watson-Smith, Sydney, Australia

Basilica of San Martin de Tours (Taal Basilica) San Martin de tours is the Patron Saint of Taal. The church was first built by Father Diego Espina in 1575 in San Nicolas. It was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 1754. It was rebuilt at its present site in 1755 and was again destroyed by an earthquake in 1849. Construction of the present church was started in 1856 and was once noted to be the biggest church in the whole of East Asia. The church is unique in the sense that it combines patriotic, religious and artistic influences. Its facade is Baroque and consists of a single mass of stone shaped into rich, complex designs.
What activities are available for children in Batangas?

What activities are available for children in Batangas? I'm worried my kids will be bored on this holiday.

Concerned Mum, Singapore

There are loads of activities for children here. Check out the following guide pages which lists all many activities your children are sure to enjoy:
Where do you suggest we choose to holiday?

Where do you suggest we choose to holiday i the Philippines as we want to do a lot of diving. We are very interested in wreck dives and have heard there are a number in the Philippines?

Jerry and Sharon Cox, Vancouver

There are many areas but I suggest you visit somewhere in the Subic Bay area. Subic Bay has been judged one of the best wreck dive sites in the Philippines. Most wrecks are remains of World War II and among the more frequently visited wrecks are the USS New York, a 19th century battle cruiser; and two Spanish era hulks - El Capitan and San Quentin. The San Quentin is considered notable because it has remained in good condition up to the present day. Wreck diving in Subic Bay can be done the whole year but best season is from January until the end of May. Note: The Subic Bay Freeport still maintains its recompression chamber from the U.S. Navy days and is open 24-hours a day.
Is cock fighting still practiced in the Philippines?

Is cock fighting still practiced in the Philippines and where would you suggest would be the best place to watch this sport? I'm a photographer and am keen on getting some good shots of the sport in action.

Philip Wilhelma, Harare, Zimbabwe

Cock fighting is practiced throughout the country. You are therefore advised to ask your hotel concierge or scan the local newspapers on arrival for venues and current competitions closest to your hotel. I feel that no-matter where you choose to do your shooting, that you'll get great shots, as many arenas are open air and I'd take a few flash shots for anything in a closed environment.

How long does it take to get to Baguio and/or Cebu from Manila?

How long does it take to get to Baguio and/or Cebu from Manila?

Sharon Finklestein, Cambridge, U.K.

You'll find the answers to this and other travel times/distances on the following Transport Page:
What's worth buying in Manila?

What's worth buying in Manila? I am a bit of a "shop-a-holic" but like to know what is considered worth looking out for when I go shopping in Manila in a few weeks time, as I'll be visiting on holiday for a week only, so want to be well prepared?

Grace Mc Farlane, Scotland

You'll find all the information you'll need to spend your hard earned savings on, on the following Shopping and Dining web page:

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I'm waiting to hear from you.

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