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Hawaii Marine Company
Naval Architectural, Marine Engineering & Computer Aided Drafting & Engineering

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45-302 Makalani St., Kaneohe, HI, USA   96744-2819
Phone/Fax (808) 247-6443

Section Modulus for Framing (Metric Units)

Description Computes cross sectional area properties of a framing member made up of multiple components (Like a angle iron placed on a piece of plate).  Area properties from this sheet can be used to determine flexural stress, average shear stress and deflections.  The inputs may seem a bit complicated but they are really easy to obtain and are clearly explained in the template instructions.

Electronic Document Type:  Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet           Cost: $12.50 US funds

Number of Pages: single sheet                        



overall depth of framing member (for all components combined)


location of assumed neutral axis ANA (perpendicular to loading direction)


for each beam component the following is required: description, cross section dimensions, distance to centroid from ANA, radius of gyration (Option One - Area Property Tables not used)


for each beam component the following is required: description, cross sectional area, distance to centroid from ANA, moment of inertia about own centroid (Option Two - Area Property Tables used)



total cross sectional area


distance from cross sectional area centroid to the ANA


moment of inertia of framing member in direction of loading


section modulus of framing member in direction of loading

Suggested Reading:


any strength of materials text 


Basic Ship Theory, Rawson and Tupper


Principles of Naval Architecture, by SNAME

Terms: Prior to purchase, read our End User License Terms.

Download Now: Click one of the following buttons to pay.  After payment you will be taken directly to the download page.

Minimum System Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP

Sample: A sample document is shown below.

Copyright © 1997- 2004 Hawaii Marine Company, 45-302 Makalani St., Kaneohe, HI   96744-2819  USA    Phone/Fax (808) 247-6443 Emergencies (808) 235-0870.  This Site Last modified: 01/02/04 12:30 AM.

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This web site created by Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii.  For questions or comments about this web site send e-mail to Brian Trenhaile at

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