If you own or operate a multi-family or institutional common area laundry facility, business with on-premise laundry, or a coin laundry store; we want to lighten your load by helping you save money, energy and water while providing your customers and tenants with state of the art equipment. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis--call before applying to verify rebate availability. The current program ends March 31, 2004. LightWash will continue to operate April 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005, but under updated program rules that will reduce rebate amounts for certain qualifying washers. Act now if you purchased or signed a lease for washers in 2003-applications for 2003 purchases/leases must be postmarked on or before March 31, 2004 (or April 30, 2004 if you have reserved rebate funds) or they will be rejected. Only washers purchased or leased (based on lease signing date) on or after January 1, 2004 (and later, in some service areas) will qualify for the program that begins April 1, 2004. Remember, washers must be installed prior to submitting your application. We've organized our content to provide you with the program
information that is most relevant to your situation. |
LightWash is brought to you in part by your local water utility. Additionally: Este programa es pagado por los clientes de servicios públicos en California bajo la protección de la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California. La participación en este programa es voluntario y de ninguna manera obliga al cliente a comprar servicios adicionales al costo regular. For more information call toll
free 866-307-WASH (9274) or email info@lightwash.com |
This program is implemented by: |