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Overseas Security Advisory Council Thursday, 1 April 2004

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Consular Affairs Bulletins
Messages issued from an Embassy to the U.S. Citizen population regarding the local security situation. This page lists several of the last entered Consular Affairs Bulletins on our site.
31 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Uzbekistan
New Warden Message for Uzbekistan - Current Status
On 31 March, 2004, the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent issued the following: Since late yesterday the Consular section has received no reports of violence or acts of terrorism in or near Tashkent or anywh...
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30 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Warden Message: Bombings in Tashkent (30 March 2004)
The US Embassy in Tashkent released the following: March 29, 2004 The following is a message distributed through the Consular Warden System of the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent. Uzbek authorit...
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30 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Baghdad, Iraq
Warden Message - Destination Baghdad Expo
The US Consular Office Baghdad distributed the following message on Tuesday, 30 March, 2004: On April 5 to 8, the Iraqi/American Chamber of Commerce and Industry is hosting a trade fair called Dest...
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30 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
New Public Announcement for Uzbekistan
UZBEKISTAN March 30, 2004 This Public Announcement is being issued to update Americans on recent bombings and attacks in Tashkent and Bukhara. U.S. citizens should evaluate carefully the implicati...
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29 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Tashkent, Uzbekistan
New Warden Message for Uzbekistan - Explosions and Terrorist Arrests
The following is a message distributed through the Consular Warden System of the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent. Uzbek authorities confirmed that mutiple explosions have taken place this morning, March...
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29 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Warden Message - Cote d'Ivoire: Embassy Re-Opening
The following Warden Message was issued by US Embassy Abidjan on 29 March 2004: The Embassy has been closely monitoring the security situation and has decided to re-open to the public on Tuesday Ma...
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29 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Iraq and Kuwait
Consular Notice - Visas to Kuwait
The US Consular Office in Baghdad distributed the following message on 29 March, 2004: American citizens may now apply for entry at any Kuwaiti Port-of-Entry (POE), including the Abdali POE on the ...
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26 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Nepal
New Warden Message for Nepal - Road Closures, Increased Violence, 4/6-4/8 Bandh, and Trekking/Tourist Concerns
On 26 March, 2004, the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu issued the following: Embassy of the United States of America Kathmandu, Nepal March 26, 2004 Important Security Information ...
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26 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Warden Message - Cote d'Ivoire: Calm
The following Warden Message was issued by US Embassy Abidjan on 26 March 2004: As of 13:00 today Abidjan is calm and there are far fewer police and military forces on the streets than yesterday. ...
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25 March 2004. Consular Affairs Bulletin from Bangladesh
New Warden Message for Bangladesh - Protest Rally 3/26 and Anti-American Demonstrations
On 25 March, 2004, the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka issued the following: Local Security Update US Embassy Dhaka has been advised that the Awami League (AL) will organize a country-wide protest ral...
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