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Hair Restoration Surgery with $3 Hair Grafts!...$200 Travel Allowance!..32 Years Experience...17,000 Procedures...Contact Us Today To Reserve Your Travel Allowance Before This Offer Expires! Surgery for Hair Restoration
Hair Restoration Surgery for only $3 per graft!

Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Offering low cost, high quality hair restoration surgery at only
$3 per graft! - Guaranteed quality and customer care backed by 32 years experience with 17,000 procedures for men and women.


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Hair Transplant Financing

Although many men and women consider having a hair transplant to reverse their hair loss, the number one inhibitive factor in their decision is simple: the cost. Ranging in price from $3 to $10 per graft, hair transplants can be expensive for many people.

Financing their hair restoration surgery procedure becomes the only way the can afford a hair transplant. We put together this page which includes a hair graft cost chart, an example repayment table based on 14 APR and information on how you can contact us to get financing or apply for a credit card specialized for those with bad credit.

Hair Graft Price Chart

Price 750 Grafts 1,000 Grafts 1,200 Grafts 1,500 Grafts 1,800 Grafts 2,000 Grafts
$3 = 2,250 3,000 3,600 4,500 5,400 6,000
$4 = 3,000 4,000 4,800 6,000 7,200 8,000
$5 = 3,750 5,000 6,000 7,500 9,000 10,000
$6 = 4,500 6,000 7,200 9,000 10,800 12,000
$7 = 5,250 7,000 8,400 10,500 12,600 14,000
$8 = 6,000 8,000 9,600 12,000 14,400 16,000
$9 = 6,750 9,000 10,800 13,500 16,200 18,000
$10 = 7,500 10,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 20,000

Payment Chart based on 14-percent APR

--24 --36 --48 --60
$1,500 72.02 51.27 41.00 34.90
$2,000 96.03 68.36 54.65 46.54
$2,500 120.03 85.440 68.320 58.170
$3,000 144.04 102.53 81.98 69.30
$3,500 168.05 119.62 95.64 81.44
$4,000 192.05 136.71 109.31 93.07
$4,500 216.06 153.80 122.97 104.71
$5,000 240.07 170.89 136.63 116.34
$5,500 264.07 187.98 150.30 127.98
$6,000 288.08 205.07 163.96 139.61

Finance Company

Now patients have the option to finance their procedure with a firm AHTC has joined forces with. Patient financing was created for people who don't want to tie up their traditional credit sources with medical debt or those who simply can't afford to pay out-of-pocket healthcare charges at one time. It's no longer necessary to delay a surgical procedure that you really want, nor worry about the inability to pay for treatment. Patient financing allows you to make low monthly payments over an extended period of time. To find out more about patient financing for your hair transplant procedure, please use our contact form and state you are interested in learning more about patient financing.

Do you have damaged credit? No Problem!
You can still get special financing! -
Bad Credit Credit Card Finder

We Accept

Contact us today for more information and to reserve your $200 travel allowance which we are only offering for a limited time!

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