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Hair Grafts and Transplanted Hair Forget About Hair Plugs! Try Our - $3 HAIR GRAFTS!...$200 Travel Allowance!...32 Years Experience...17,000 Procedures..Contact Us Today To Reserve Your Travel Allowance Before This Offer Expires! Hair Grafts and Transplanted Hair
Considering a Hair Plug? Hair Plugs? Try $3 Hair Grafts!

Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Forget about hair plugs! Try
$3 Hair Grafts Instead! Do you want to learn more about hair grafts and transplanted hair? - Contact us today to receive a free info package, and to reserve your $200 travel allowance before it expires!


Hair Transplantation


Graft Estimation

Types of Grafts




Top 10 Reasons


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"It was the best thing I ever did!" -Actual patient...."I can even skydive toward the Earth at 200 mph with full confidence!"

How Many Grafts Will Be Needed?

Several variables determine the number of grafts necessary to fulfill your restoration needs.

  • How much hair has been lost?

  • What is the density of your donor area?

  • What is your hair color and how does it contrast with your skin color?

  • What is your perception and realistic expectation?

  • Lastly, how does your budget match your desired level of hair restoration?

    Male pattern hair loss is a common situation in which men experience thinning of the hair on the scalp. This often results in a hairline that is receding and balding to the top of the head. The beginning of these changes can start for men as early as their 20's. Physicians believe male pattern hair loss is dependent on hormonal effects and is due to heredity. The correct terminology for this type of hair loss is called androgentic alopecia.

    Approximately 500 grafts

    Approximately 750 grafts

    Approximately 1,000 grafts

Approximately 1,500 grafts

Approximately 2,000 grafts

Approximately 2,500 grafts

These estimations are examples only. Assurances cannot be made without a discussion of your individual procedure.

Generally, Women have a different pattern of hair loss.

Contact us today for more information and to reserve your $200 travel allowance which we are only offering for a limited time!

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