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Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
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Waterways Books

Selected Books

In these pages I have listed all the waterways books that have come to my attention in both Title and Author order. If you would like a few suggestions for books you could add to the waterways section of your bookcase please see:-

Selected Books.


Listings of current and past books relating to waterways, inland boating etc. that have come to my attention over the years. I do not have any books for sale myself but I do have links to other booksellers should you need a new or secondhand book.

Bibliography by Titles-A-to-C 219 books for this category.

Bibliography by Titles-D-to-K 181 books for this category.

Bibliography by Titles-L-to-R 219 books for this category.

Bibliography by Titles-S-to-Z 201 books for this category.

Bibliography by Authors-A-to-C 175 books for this category.

Bibliography by Authors-D-to-K 242 books for this category.

Bibliography by Authors-L-to-R 259 books for this category.

Bibliography by Authors-S-to-Z 203 books for this category.

Books about Individual Waterways

If you are looking for a book that relates to an individual navigable river or canal, including waterway history books, you will probably find it easier to look at those listed on the page of the waterway concerned. These can be found from the "Map" or "Waterways" links on the navigation bar for the waterays map or the waterways list respectively.

Buying Books from the Inland Waterways Association

The IWA has an outstanding selection of waterways books on its web site which makes it a good place to start a search for books about canals and rivers. Their selection is reasonably priced and they often have special offers on selected titles. If you are looking for books about Non UK waterways (not covered on my books pages) they have a good range. In addition to a good selection of books, at good prices, buying through the IWA helps to fund the work of this waterways charity that has fought for the restoration, retention and maintenance of the waterways since 1946.

IWA Book Sales

Buying Books from other Booksellers

Books for which I have an ISBN identity (found in all recently published books) are listed under subject categories with direct links to on-line bookshops so you can order the book without having to search the whole site. Just click on the subject categories below to see the books for sale.


Maps & Guides - Nicholsons Guides

Maps & Guides - Pearson's Guides

Maps & Guides - Imray Guides

Maps & Guides - Other Guides

History - Building Canals



History - Working Canals

History - Reviving Canals



Boat Owners

Waterway Journeys

Waterway Holidays

Walkers' Guides

History - Regional


Buying Books from Specialist Book Sellers

Specialist Book Sellers These companies specialise in books about the waterways new and secondhand.

Buying Books from Internet Book Sellers

If you can't find what you want from any of the above methods it always worth trying one of the online book sellers. A link to is below

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Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
Home Introduction Waterways List Waterways Map Links Books DVD
Articles Boats Photo Gallery Photo List Features Contact
Glossary A - D Glossary E - L Glossary  M - R Glossary  S - Z History Help