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Overseas Security Advisory Council Saturday, 3 April 2004

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Key Calendar Events
A compilation of our Significant Dates and Dates to Watch, our calendar events section was built for searchability in mind. This page is currently listing events forecasted in the next two weeks, but user the search form at the bottom for more.
April 3, 2003. Belgium. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell to Visit Brussels
Large demonstrations could occur in Brussels, Belgium when Secretary of State Colin Powell will meet NATO and European Union foreign ministers on Thursday to discuss the war in Iraq. Possible locations would include the U.S. Mission, NATO Headquarters, EU Government buildings and any parks surrounding these locations.

April 3, 2004. Slovakia. Slovakia Presidential Elections
Slovakia will hold its Presidential elections on April 3, 2004.

April 3, 1976. THAILAND. Pulo Begins Armed Struggle
The Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO) initiated its armed struggle against the Royal Thai Government with a series of attacks in the southern provinces of Thailand.

April 4, 1945. HUNGARY. Liberation Day
Celebrates the liberation of Hungary from Nazi control by soviet troops.

April 4, 1979. PAKISTAN. Ex-President Bhutto Executed
Former president of Pakistan Zulfikar 'ali Bhutto was executed by the Pakistani government under president Zia. The terrorist group al-Zulfikar, founded by his two sons, is named after him.

April 5, 1976. CHINA. Tienanmen Square Incident
A militia force working with police beat to death dozens of demonstrators who had gathered in Beijings's Tienanmen Square to lay wreaths in memory of the late premier Chou en Lai. The incident occurred during the celebration of "clear bright" (qing ming), an annual Chinese festival to honor the dead.

April 5, 1986. GERMANY. Bombing Of Le Belle Disco
Le belle disco, a nightclub in West Berlin frequented by U.S. servicemen, was bombed, killing two American soldiers and one Turkish woman. Two hundred others were wounded in the bombing. Libya was implicated in the bombing.

April 5, 2004. Indonesia. Legislative Elections
Legislative elections will be held in Indonesia.

April 5, 1992. PERU. Fujimori Closes Congress
On April 5, 1992 Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori closed Congress and the courts in what has become widely known as the "self-coup." The event occurred with the backing of the military, and it is considered a symbolic pivotal point in Fujimori's rule.

April 5, 1992. PERU. Fujimori Seizes Extra Powers
On this date, president Alberto Fujimori, with military cooperation, closed the congress and courts and set aside portions of the constitution in an action that concentrated extraordinary powers in his hands. The Organization of American States (OAS) has demanded that Fujimori restore the constitution. Opposition parties and leftist insurgents oppose Fujimori's takeover.

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