my name is Brian Trenhaile. I was born in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii on July 12,
1952. I went to Saint Ann's Catholic School till 6th Grade. Then I went to
public schools. First I went to Kaneohe Elementary, then to King Intermediate, and
finally to Castle High School.
Then I worked for a while attending school part time. Then I went to school full
time at the University of Michigan where I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.
Then I returned to Hawaii and began
working in marine management for a Honolulu shipyard. I had obtained my goal which
was to graduate from the best university in the country for my major of Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering. I had a good paying job and management was favorable toward
me. I was not sad or in the dumps.
At this time God opened my eyes up to
some things. For instance, I was impressed by my mom's unselfishness towards
me. So I asked her what she wanted for Mother's Day. She wanted to think about
it. After a while she said she wanted me to go with her to a meeting with her.
I said "What kind of meeting?" she said "A Full Gospel Businessmen's
Meeting." I said "Oh no, anything but that religious stuff."
But later I thought about it. I really did want to give her what she wanted, so I
ended up going.
At this meeting a man from Michigan was
sharing. He was a millionaire, but by the time I heard him, he was fully devoted to
ministry. God had given him dreams. These dreams gave him ideas on how to
develop stamping equipment for Pontiac bumpers. This is how he got wealthy.

At any rate this man told us that God
expects us to live holy and pure lives and we can't do it on our own, we need help.
Well I totally agreed with that. He said the only way we can fulfil God's destiny
for our lives is if we let Jesus come into our hearts as Savior and Lord. I had
tried everything else. Among other things I tried booze, women, drugs, and
atheism. So I decided to give God a shot. Why not? So at this meeting I
prayed along with everyone else. In this prayer I asked God forgiveness for my sins,
and then I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life. I meant it, but I did not go up
afterward and show everyone what I had done. I told no one at the time and felt
But I met a man named Alex at the
meeting. He was a Harvard graduate and I was at that time education. We agreed
to have lunch together. At lunch he was very open and transparent before me. I
was very impressed by his humility. He asked me what I did at the meeting. I
said I asked Jesus into my heart. That I prayed the prayer that everyone
prayed. Alex told me I would meet someone at work. This person would help me
to know God better. The key for me was that Alex is the first person that I
confessed to about making Jesus my Lord. The Bible says "If we confess with
our mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts God raised him from the dead, we shall
be saved."

Not too long later on my way to work, I
remember muttering to myself over and over again. "I want to give God a shot, I
want to do it His way." As I approached the entrance to work I was overcome by
this power flowing up from my belly. I experienced for the first time in my life
that God personally loved me. It was awesome, the God of the universe had time for
me. I was so overcome with joy I could not stop weeping. Being a male I
usually never cry, but this force was just too powerful for me. Since I was in no
condition to go to work I drove from Honolulu to the North Shore of Oahu. This is
about a 45 minute drive. At Sunset Beach I remember asking God to back off, because
His love is just too powerful for me to handle. So He did, but I still experience
His presence often, but not normally as intensely as that first experience. Now
mostly I sense His presence and it has a peaceful calming effect on me. His presence
also tends to make me fearless when sharing a message for Him. At times He gives me
eyes to see people through His immense love for them.

Even though I had this encounter with
God, but did not know what to do about it. I was still going to the bars
drinking. But I did not really enjoy it anymore. The people seemed to be
acting, plastic is what I called it. I did not fit anymore, so I felt weird.
Well we hired a new mechanical engineer
at work. I was assigned to be his boss. His name was Dan. I mentioned to
him I felt weird, that I did not enjoy what I used to like. He said what did I
do? So I went over the whole scenario about the prayer at the meeting. He said
to me "Your not weird, the rest of the world is." He said I needed to get
into prayer, Bible study, and go to church. But he would not tell me what church to
go to. He said you pray and God will show you. I was frustrated because I did
not want to go to church with all those hypocrites. He would not even give me a
clue, he would not even tell me what church he went to. As far as the hypocrites go,
he said you don't go to church for the people there, you go to church for God.
So I prayed and felt led to go to a
church that a girl named Nani used go to. When I had dated her I thought she was
nice, but a bit whacky because she was telling me about all this Jesus stuff. Well I
was whacky now too, just like her. So I went. The church was in a out of the
way place and hard to find. When I got there the pastor, whose name was Leon, asked
me what brought me there. I said God. He just laughed and said that's the
only way you can find this place. This pastor was a man of prayer, the Bible, and
worshipped God a lot.
So I went back to Dan and said I was
going to an Assembly of God. Then he finally told me he was going to two
churches. He was going to a Baptist church because their strong emphasis on the
Word, and a Assembly of God church because their strong emphasis on the Holy Spirit.
I landed up in a church with a strong emphasis on both. But Dan got his initial
exposure to the things of God through the Greek Orthodox Church.