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IsmailG's Photos

Ismail here with what looks like a small redfish? ;^) Sorry, couldn't resist, inside joke about how redfish look like carp...they kinda do, no? Is it just me, or is that carp trying to kiss Ismail? ;^) Nice carp, I haven't caught one of them fellas in years, but I do remember how hard they fight!


To the right, Ismail again...and another small redfish, er, I mean carp! looks pretty cold out there by the white hands, red fingers, and bundled up head. Ah, to be young, chasing all sorts of critters in all sorts of weather...I wonder when we grow outta that? ;^)

Nice fish Ismail, and now that there's a terrible rumor that you have your drivers license, the fish will never be safe again!

Now we're talking, here he is with the guest of honor, a nice striper, slated for dinner it appears? How nice, having a striper over for dinner, now that's thoughtful! ;^)

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This page was last updated on April 16, 2004