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Laurel and Hardy's Photos
That's Geoff and Rich! These two deserve an intro, as I met them as they were falling on hard bassin' times. They were putting in the time, fishing hard, and to sum it up, had decided that striped bass were a myth, and thus, gave them the nickname of "unicorns." They seemed like nice guys and I had a pretty good handle on the fish at the time, so I suggested maybe we get together and see if we could work the bugs out of their plan. They agreed, but warned me of their impending failure. It was not to be, as the three of us went out together for a few hours on your average early evening and all of us caught fish...the unicorn myth was put to rest, and now I have made two more good friends. Since our outing, they have been scoring more times than not and have made me proud, they are becoming great unicorn hunters!

Actual Unicorn Pictures!! We'll put these first, before the largemouth pictures...well, it's a striper site!

 Hey Kathy, you must have a picture of yourself with a bigger striper than this?!?  Don't let Geoff tell you stories about one picture limits for wives and such drivel....get me the pictures of you with unicorns...I'll put 'em up! 

Nice 'corn Geoff....many more this year!

Well folks, there it is...proof! They do exist and Geoff is even apparently holding one here! I took the picture myself...but I'm not sure there weren't somehow smoke and mirrors involved. :^)  Maybe someone dubbed in the striper while the pictures were being's hard to tell...but it looks as if he's actually holding it here! Nah, I not only saw him catch this one, but I watched him frustrate Charlie and I with a 1oz Smilin' Bill I took right from my pocket and gave to him...he hooked and landed 5 unicorns in a row while Charlie and I did our best not to look as flustered as we were! Well, we did put a stop to that as soon as we tuned in on the fish...all was well again...back in balance...but it was a near catastrophe! All the while, RichG was in a few feet away mumbling something about Big Macs? :)

I know, this isn't Laurel or's me and Dubs...but it was taken by Laurel himself...and they needed a little "filler" here in their unicorn section :)  To the untrained eye it might appear that I am thumbing my line with some form of bait on the other end...the concentration as if I was already getting a hit....nope...that's just how I fish! Strict attention at all times! :)  (Don't worry L&H, I'll remove my intrusion upon receipt of the next bonafide unicorn picture from either one of you! 

I know, this isn't a striper, it isn't even a saltwater critter, but it really shows Hardy (Rich) in his truest light! It is, however, a fine specimen of a largemouth bass, 10# 4oz to be exact...a truly great largemouth! It was taken in April a few years ago on Lake Gaston, North Carolina. Rich informed me that this fine female was released to pass on her superior genes to future un-striped bass generations. Note the expression on Rich's face, this is not anxiety, but more likely exhaustion resulting from a lengthy diatribe that this fish received once landed...Rich gets a little wordy upon landing nice fish! Nice fish Rich, how about some unicorn pictures? ::))

Alright...Kathy is obviously feeling a little sorry for Geoff here, she must be letting him hold her fish for these pictures! Hmmm...I'm getting a little suspicious here.... 

Yup, here Geoff is again, another one of his wife's fish no doubt! :^)  Actually, I have it from a good source that Geoff did catch these fish a matter of fact, he said these two shots were from his best morning ever chasing these stripeless bass!

I'm sure we haven't seen the last of these two fellers! They are just gettin' warmed up!  Nice fish guys....looking forward to many more this year!

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This page was last updated on April 16, 2004