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Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterways Trust: 2004 Workplan

1 Petitioning Government and associated funding agencies, local authorities and associated developers to do everything they can to ensure early construction of the Waterway, linked to M1, A421, East-West rail and new housing developments

1 All members and supporters to be asked to collect signatures on forms which can be copied and presented to agencies as described aboveMarilyn Leask & Rodney Evans to finalise form including background info on back
Marilyn to write letter setting out what to do, to get signatures but also, optionally to undertake other form of lobbying set out as Action 2 and 3
Leigh Willows to organise mailing to members and supporter
John Hill to check data protection issues and to be keeper of the forms
Petition out to members by end March
Count of signatures at each Cttee meeting
2 All members and supporters also to be invited to lobby the PM through his 'big conversation'See above re letter.As above
3 All members and supporters on the route also to be invited to lobby their local councillor, local MP and local MEP, in advance of elections in June 2004 See above re letter.
Jane Wolfson to investigate feasibility of pre-printed postcards/downloadable images that people can use.
Local groups to be asked to put pressure appropriate to developments in their area, eg on EP and the new UDA in Milton Keynes.
Before June
4 Trust to invite all key local and user groups to collect signatures for the petition and join in local lobbying eg National horse society/Anglers/Cyclists/Boaters/Walkers: Ramblers, local walking groups/Assoc of Waterway Cruising Clubs/Caravan Clubs/Others.../ Parish councils - each group is to be asked to circulate the petition and to publicise the above initiatives in their press. NB some are org members of the Trust; others are Board members (IWA, GOBA. Bedford River Users, Eng Nature, NAFAC, Sustains, Wildlife Trust) John and Sally Gunning to compile lists of organisations under these headings.
Also list of all organisations we have given talks to, to date.
Marilyn to write briefing letter.
Leigh to organise mailings which include inviting organisations to become members of the Trust as well.
Local branches to be asked to undertake local research into organisations on the route who can be asked to support the petition
In monthly batches from April
5 Press support for the petition - and if possible form to submitTony Newey to liaise with Beds on Sunday reporterOngoing
6 Collect signatures and recruit members at River Festival 3-4 JulyTony Newey to organise in Bedford.March - July

2 Lobbying partner organisations, landowners and developers to work productively together, under national leadership

7 ODPM submissionIan Clifton and Dave Fletcher to progressOngoing
8 Building commitment to the MK arm (Leg 1)Ian Clifton and Dave Fletcher to progressOngoing

3 Keeping the project in the public eye, so that plenty of positive media attention is paid to it and partners

9 Walks leaflet launch, associated with the River Festival, a weekend of walks, a sponsored walk, and/or an MK eventJane Wolfson to progress production of leaflet MK group to develop event plan related to or separate from River Festival.March - August
10 Bedford 2020: jointly organised fundraising lunch event on Sunday 3 October at The SwanBen Waine, Pete Skipper, Alan Cooke and the Bedford group in liaison with other innovating groups (in particular Oxford-Cambridge arc)March - October
11 MK event (currently being appraised for feasibility)Jane Wolfson, James Griffin, Rodney Evans, Geoff Wheeler to investigateBy 22 April mtg
12 Continue to development/maintain travelling and fixed exhibition sites, incl Forest Centre, Elstow Priory; find fixed MK site. Also route signage.Jane Wolfson, Tony Newey and Local groupsOngoing
13 Continue to offer talksJohn & Sally Gunning for bookings and advertising. Jane Wolfson to organise talk update.Ongoing By end May
14 Appoint celebrity Patron and President to the TrustGeoff Wheeler and Tony Newey to progressOngoing

4 Building Trust resources

15 Membership drive - target to treble the membership to 750, to fundraise and build pool of networkers and people with time and skills to give. At our and others' events, plus request to members.Leigh Willows to mail CD to members as recruiting tool, as part of communication re petition see above.ICE in MK in March Ongoing to new members.
16 Set up Central group.Marilyn Leask and Jane Wolfson to recruit and support founding members. Leigh Willows to provide list of members and supporters in the Brogborough to Wootton stretch.By May

For a pdf version of the B&MK; Trust 2004 Workplan (23Kb) Click here.

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