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Phoenix: and posts here get deleted from the shout history
31-May-2004 11:39:44
Phoenix: posting here is poitnless since it doesn't stay in view very long
31-May-2004 11:39:20
Phoenix: please post in forums - this is not the place, especially when you post multiple copies
31-May-2004 11:38:55
amr_kps: FYI: tool bar navigation system on is very cool
31-May-2004 11:34:38
amr_kps: tool bar navigation system on is very cool
31-May-2004 11:34:27
Phoenix: users not shown for some weeks
31-May-2004 11:27:55
cpggermany: whats with userinfo...? i am online but not shown
31-May-2004 11:11:16
webdev1: Sengsara, yes banners everywhere help, I just posted my latest at
31-May-2004 04:39:05
Phoenix: text banner has best chance
31-May-2004 04:30:20
Viperal: If it would bring your avatat myway, why not Mr. Green
31-May-2004 04:30:14
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