The Wayback Machine -

Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
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Enter the Waterways Shopping Center

Shopping Centre

This page is designed to help you with your waterway shopping. Although I don't have anything to sell myself I am providing here a list of books, videos, DVDs etc, that you may wish to buy through the links with on-line shops. Using these pages you should find it easier to locate the waterways related goods that you require than by trying to pick out these items from the mass of other on the retailers website. You will find that there are various choices open to you for buying many of these goods. I will try to offer you as many sources as possible for buying via the net.

Click on a category below for rapid access to waterways books
Boat Owners
History - Building Canals
History - Regional
History - Reviving Canals
History - Working Canals
Maps & Guides - Imray Guides
Maps & Guides - Nicholsons Guides
Maps & Guides - Other Guides
Maps & Guides - Pearson's Guides
Walkers' Guides
Waterway Holidays
Waterway Journeys

Click on the image above to see the waterways video list.

Click on the image above to see the waterways DVD list.

Click on the image above to see my suggested selections for starting a waterways book collection.

Click on the image above to go to the Inland Waterways Association book shop, which has videos, maps, and other canal items as well as a large range of books on the waterways of the UK and overseas.

Canal maps and cruising guides, books, videos, gifts,
chandlery and other canal items online.

MML Electrics.

Jim Shead Waterways Photographer & Writer
Text and photographs copyright of Jim Shead.
Home Introduction Waterways List Waterways Map Links Books DVD
Articles Boats Photo Gallery Photo List Features Contact
Glossary A - D Glossary E - L Glossary  M - R Glossary  S - Z History Help
image linking to 100 Top Boating Sites