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Golf Instruction by Paul Wilson


Paul Wilson's golf instruction method has been teaching people to copy the 3 key elements of the Iron Byron swing machine for more than 13 years.   Why the Iron Byron? ... Because it has the only perfect golf swing on the planet!


The Iron Byron was created to test golf clubs and equipment for the leading manufacturers.  It was therefore designed to hit the ball perfectly every single time!


Through side-by-side comparisons, Paul discovered the best players in the world all copy the Iron Byron when they swing the club ... whether they realize it or not.  If you want to look and play like a pro, it makes sense you should be learning to copy the Iron Byron too.

Paul's instruction has taught thousands of people to become human swing machines.  NOW, it's your turn!  Click here for more information about golf lessons or online golf Lessons .

Learn to Copy the Iron Byron

"Paul's lessons, online golf lessons and books show you how to copy the perfect golf swing of Iron Byron"

Golf Instruction / Lessons

If you would like to improve you game and learn the proper swing fundamentals, call Paul Wilson Golf Instruction at the Nicklaus Golf Club at LionsGate in Overland Park, Kansas at 913-402-1000 ext 275.


Online Golf Lessons - New for 2004!  

If you are not able to see Paul or one of his trained instructors, you can now purchase online golf lessons and have Paul analyze your swing.  Your golf swing video analysis will be sent to you by e-mail (you do not need to purchase any additional software to see your swing analysis).  Paul uses the amazing, Emmy nominated  DartFish golf swing analyzer.  This is by far the best golf swing video analysis software on the market.  Now you can learn Paul's golf swing instruction method anywhere in the world! Click the above link to find out more.


online golf lessons

Golf Swing Analyzer


Click here to see what you'll receive with your online golf lessons.


Golf Instruction  / Lessons in Toronto, Canada

If you live in the Toronto area you can now take golf lessons from one of Paul's qualified instructors, please click the above link for more details.


Golf Books  (6 Pages were featured in Golf Tips Magazine Aug/Sept 2003)

Paul's easy-to-follow lessons help you learn the proper swing fundamentals to improve your golf swing.  Paul's golf books help you find answers to the perfect golf swing.  Paul's book also makes the perfect Gift!


golf books

Swing Machine Golf -  Golf Books


 Click Here to Read 10 Pages for FREE!

When you purchase Swing Machine Golf you also receive FREE Online Tips


Corporate Golf Outings

Impress your top clients, reward your staff or incorporate golf into your next business meeting.  Paul's golf books also make a great addition to your corporate outings (have your logo printed on the front cover) ...  a perfect Corporate Gift!  Contact Paul for more details.


Golf Links Radio

Paul is the co-host of "Golf Links Radio" on 610 Sports, Kansas City providing listeners with Tour Talk, interviews, instruction and equipment reviews .  The "Golf Links Radio" show can be heard across 6 states in the mid-west.  Be sure to tune in every Thursday night at 9:00 pm and Saturday's at 7:00 am E.S.T..


Golf Pro Shop

If you are in the market for the latest equipment, clubs, and accessories please check out the online pro shop.


The Nicklaus Golf Club at LionsGate, Overland Park, Kansas

Home of the Swing Machine Golf School ... providing golf lessons, instruction, video analysis, clinics and corporate golf outings to students on any skill level.


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The Iron Byron is a registered trademark and product of True Temper Sports

 Copyright © 2004 Paul Wilson Golf - All Rights Reserved