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Game Servers

Welcome to the Battlegrounds!

Battlegrounds is a division of the Elite Gamer - located in Wabash, IN (click here for map).

The official eG BattlegroundsI location offers full service gaming facilities and space for your LAN Party! Signup or call today to reserve your spot at the Battlegrounds -

Spring hours:

Monday: Closed (9am - 5pm Internet Surfing Only)
Tuesday: 3:00pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday: 3:00pm - 10:00pm
Thursday: 3:00pm - 10:00pm
Friday: 3:00pm - 11:00pm
Saturday: 12:00pm - 11:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

  • We will open at 12 noon on some scheduled non-school days such as spring break - please call ahead.
  • We may stay open later if people are here and may close after 9:00pm if no one is here.
  • We will not be open on Mondays even during scheduled non-school days.
  • We will not open early during snow days or other emergency school dismissals.
  • More Great Products:

    Magic CardsThe eG Battlegrounds also sells games! Board games, card games, video games and more! What are your favorites? Did you know that as a card-carrying member of the eG Battlegrounds you get a 10% discount on games and other retail items!?!


    General Info:

    We supply everything you need to frag your friends and other gamers from all over the world including computer, keyboards, mice, speakers, and headsets. Play head to head using our LAN or against players from another iGames member center or play online against your friends! It is all up to you!

    Games, Games, Games:

    Here are our recent (past 2 months) top 20 games. Log in with your Elite Gamer account to view the full list!
    Our Top Games (Past 60 Days):
    Rank Pct. Hrs. Game ESRB Rating
    1st 36.95% 817.31 Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour T
    2nd 21.93% 485.22 Call of Duty T
    3rd 10.79% 238.71 Surf the 'net E
    4th 6.04% 133.56 BF1942: Desert Combat T
    5th 5.14% 113.71 Battlefield Vietnam T
    6th 2.70% 59.74 City of Heroes T
    7th 1.69% 37.29 FarCry M
    8th 1.43% 31.74 Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow T
    9th 1.42% 31.43 Ghost Recon T
    10th 1.08% 23.84 Empires: Dawn of the Modern World T
    11th 0.97% 21.41 BF1942: Galactic Conquest T
    12th 0.86% 19.04 Medal of Honor: Spearhead T
    13th 0.78% 17.32 Xbox E
    14th 0.70% 15.51 Black Hawk Down T
    15th 0.55% 12.14 Halo T
    16th 0.52% 11.50 Age of Mythology: The Titans T
    17th 0.51% 11.20 Chrome M
    18th 0.49% 10.90 Sim Theme Park E
    19th 0.42% 9.32 NASCAR Thunder 2003 E
    20th 0.41% 9.00 Rayman 3 E

    Please feel free to suggest other titles that we should carry. All titles are licensed by the publisher and the Elite Gamer takes great pride in ensuring that they are meeting all of the licensing requirements of each publisher.

    What other games would you like to see? Please let us know so that we can get them for you.


    Most games cost 1 credit per hour to play. Internet surfing costs 1/2 credit per hour
    < 10 credits: $4.00 per credit
    10 - 19 credits: $3.00 per credit
    20 + credits: $2.00 per credit
    ALL DAY PASS: $20.00 for the whole day! (Starting June 1st)

    There are additional costs to be involved in some tournaments. Additional costs may be necessary for peripheral device usage, premium games, online games, etc. Users of games such as Everquest and Asheron's call will need to setup their own online account with the game publisher.

    Game Servers:

    Our gaming server will be made available to all members for after hours play - please stay tuned or contact us for details.


    Contact us or 260-569-0260 or 877-569-0260 to make your reservations today!

    Upcoming Events:

    06-01-2004 - Anarchy Online, Notum Wars & Shadow Lands - Showcase 6/1/2004 to 6/30/2004 Register

    06-01-2004 - Kuma\War Showcase 6/1/2004 to 6/30/2004 Details

    06-03-2004 - BF1942: Desert Combat League Season #3 6/3/2004 to 8/26/2004 Register

    06-07-2004 - Battlefield Vietnam League 6/7/2004 to 8/26/2004 Register

    06-07-2004 - The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Showcase (Tentative) 6/7/2004 to 6/20/2004 Details

    06-21-2004 - Anarchy Online Alien Invasion Trial (Tentative Dates) 6/21/2004 to 7/21/2004 Details

    06-21-2004 - Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps - Showcase (Tentative Date) 6/21/2004 to 7/5/2004 Details

    06-21-2004 - Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots (Tentative Date) 6/21/2004 to 7/5/2004 Details

    06-21-2004 - Sacred - Showcase (Tentative Date) 6/21/2004 to 7/5/2004 Details

    06-26-2004 - SWS - C&C; Generals: Zero Hour Tournament 6/26/2004 to 6/26/2004 Register

    07-12-2004 - Ground Control® II: Operation Exodus Showcase (Tentative Date) 7/12/2004 to 7/25/2004 Details

    08-08-2004 - Counterstrike and Command and Conquer LAN/Tourney 8/8/2004 to 8/8/2004 Register

    09-01-2004 - Anarchy Online Alien Invasion Trial (Tentative Date) 9/1/2004 to 9/30/2004 Details