To provide information to our constituency and to the public in a timely manner, OSAC provides three newletters for distribution.
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11 October 2002.
Terrorist Threat Advisory Update
Message from the FBI Counter-Terrorism Division, Washington DC
National Threat Warning System
Terrorist Threat Advisory Update
Potential Al- Qaida Threats To Targets In The U...
7 October 2002.
Seoul Country Council Kickoff Meeting
The kick off meeting of the OSAC Seoul, South Korea, Country Council is scheduled for Thursday, October 10, 2002. United States Ambassador Thomas Hubbard will host the meeting at his residence. All se...
26 September 2002.
Recommended Departure of Cote d'Ivoire
The U.S. Embassy Abidjan disseminated the following Warden Message September 25:
The Department recommends that Americans in Cote d'Ivoire depart the country. Although it may seem calm now...
24 September 2002.
Hacktivism in Connection with Protest Events of September 2002
Hacktivism describes the convergence of political activism and computer attacks and hacking, where "hacking" refers to illegal or unauthorized access to, and manipulation of computer systems and netwo...
10 September 2002.
State Department Reissues Worldwide Caution
The State Department has issued a revised worldwide caution to alert Americans for the need to remain especially vigilant during the period around the anniversary of the attacks on September 11t...
10 September 2002.
U.S. Put on 'High' Terror Alert
The Department of Homeland Security annouced today the elevation of the terror threat level from yellow to orange. Under orange, armed forces and law enforcement agencies coordinate various secur...
3 September 2002.
OSAC Constituents Continue to Receive Government Overseas Training
There are still plenty of seats available for the two-day OSAC sponsored
Private Sector Security Overseas Seminar (PSOS)
course scheduled to be held September 19-20, 2002 at the National Foreign A...
6 August 2002.
Heightened Awareness Warranted By U.S. Website and ISP Administrators
On the afternoon of August 05, 2002, the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) received credible, but nonspecific information that wide-scale hacker attacks against U.S. websites and In...
5 June 2002.
Increased Tensions in Pakistan and India
The U.S. Department of State has released two new travel warnings for India and Pakistan. The language in each of the warnings
"strongly urges"
American citizens to depart the country due to th...
31 May 2002.
Authorized Departure from India
Authorized departure of non-emergency personnel and all dependents from the US Embassy and Consulates in India. If there are any questions, please contact Adrian Senyszyn (202) 663-0390 or Russ...