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Overseas Security Advisory Council Sunday, 6 June 2004

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White Collar Crime Reports
White Collar Crime Reports are all incidents and reports dealing with protection of information, intellectual property theft, and corporate espionage. This page lists several of the last entered White Collar Crime Reports on our site.
1 June 2004. White Collar Crime Report
Update on "Nigerian" Advance Fee Fraud
**OSAC reminds constituents that although this scheme originated in Nigeria, it now emanates from any number of other countries. Furthermore, it does not affect only those who deal with Nigeria or wi...
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9 January 2004. White Collar Crime Report
Fraudulent Rice in Burkinabè markets
On 7 January 2004, it was discovered that fraudulent rice is being sold in Burkinabè markets. The rice mimicked that being sold by an American nongovernmental organization (NGO) to fund its work in t...
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20 November 2002. White Collar Crime Report
Moscow Hacker Arrested for Extortion From US Company
Moscow police detained Eduard Golitsyn, 28, who attempted to extort money from a US company through a computer network. The hacker cracked the company's web site, obtained access to its commercial inf...
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25 October 2000. White Collar Crime Report
Economic Espionage Case
JACK R. SHEARER DBA TEJAS COMPRESSORS SYSTEMS From 1996 through February 1999, Jack Shearer stole proprietary trade secrets from his fomer employer, Solar - a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterp...
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23 August 2000. White Collar Crime Report
Tanker Vessel Command
On September 26, 1998, the Tanker Vessel (TV) Command, a privately owned Liberian tanker, illegally discharged bunker fuel into the Pacific Ocean near the Golden Gate Bridge off the coast of San Franc...
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24 May 2000. White Collar Crime Report
National Heritage Life Insurance Company
May 5, 2000 National Heritage Life Insurance Company The National Heritage Life Insu...
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31 March 2000. White Collar Crime Report
Fbi Apprehends Lowe'S Bomber
On September 22, 1999, at 5:44 p.m. a Pipe bomb exploded inside a crowded Lowe's hardware store in Salisbury, North Carolina. Approximately ten minutes later, a second pipe bomb exploded at Lowe's ha...
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9 June 1998. White Collar Crime Report
Operation Casablanca
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11 February 1998. White Collar Crime Report
Colombian Black Market Preso Exchange
OVERVIEW: Drug sales in the United States are estimated by the Office of National Drug Control Policy to generate $57.3 billion annual, and most of these transactions are in cash. Through concerte...
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9 September 1997. White Collar Crime Report
Russia - Organized Crime Hearings
The Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) will unveil its study of Russian organized crime at a press conference on September 29. The study culminates several years of effort by CSIS re...
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