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Overseas Security Advisory Council
Overseas Security Advisory Council Sunday, 6 June 2004

Upper Left Border Upper Mid Border Upper Right Border
Left Mid Border

OSAC Daily News Ticker
To ensure that American corporate and university/college security executives receive timely and up-to-date information on foreign events and/or documents, OSAC's analytical staff will post news items reported in global on-line sources by 8:30 AM (EDT) and update the items throughout each business day.
It's very easy to include OSAC's news ticker on your site. Copy the code in the form box above. If you have a development department, give the code to them. If you develop your site yourself, then copy the code and paste it into your website where you would like it to go.

That's it! The rest is automated with our systems. The ticker will update every morning between 0845 and 0900 EST.

Right Mid Border
Lower Left Border Lower Mid Border Lower Right Border
Upper Left Border Upper Mid Border Upper Right Border
Left Mid Border
Right Mid Border
Lower Left Border Lower Mid Border Lower Right Border
 Latest News

This box reflects information last updated on 5 June 2004.


Notice: "The contents of the OSAC website in no way represent the policies, views, or attitudes of the United States Department of State, or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). Users of this web site may cite it provided they do so in a manner which clearly identifies it as the secondary source. Please view our Privacy and Security Notice."