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Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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Request Information From Atlantis Hair Transplant Clinic

Email us today to reserve your $200 Travel Allowance and 100 free hairs (depending on size of surgery) - OFFER EXPIRES SOON!

We will also send you a free information package including information about how you can schedule a no cost 30 minute telephone consultation with our Medical Director, Kris Johnson.

All Incoming Email Addresses are kept private and our clinic will not sell or trade them for any reason. Any correspondence with our firm including telephone consultations are kept private in your medical file.

Please double check your entered email address and telephone number. You will not be eligible to receive your $200 travel credit unless you enter all of your contact information correctly

If you have problems with this form, please address your emails to hairtransplants@

Your E-mail Required.
Your Name Required
Complete Address Required
Telephone Required
What is your level of interest in a hair transplant? Required
What is your time frame to proceed with a hair transplant? Required

At $3 per graft, any size graft, hair implants from Atlantis 2000 are the most economical choice for male pattern hair loss treatment available today!

If you have problems with this form, please address your emails to hairtransplants@

© Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved, Kris Johnson.