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Overseas Security Advisory Council Wednesday, 9 June 2004

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The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was established in 1985 by the U.S. Department of State to foster the exchange of security related information between the U.S. Government and American private sector operating abroad. Administered by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture for effective security cooperation. Through OSAC, the American private sector, including colleges and universities, is provided timely information on which to make informed corporate decisions on how best to protect their investment, facilities, personnel and intellectual property abroad.

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Emergency Planning Handbook
Now Available: "Emergency Planning Handbook" for the American business operating overseas now available to OSAC constituents courtesy of RSO Bucharest and the Bucharest Country Council.
Click here MS Word (6.39 MB)

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Highlights from OSAC's 18th Annual Briefing
The Overseas Security Advisory Council's 18th Annual Briefing was held on the 13th of November, 2003. Praised as a success, this year's Annual Briefing was attended by more than 600 private sector personnel. OSAC is proud to include some highlights here for your review.

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OSAC Hot Topics
An exclusive service to our constituents. Get the most up to date OSAC perspectives on global security trends and issues. If you are having problems opening the document, try right-clicking on the link and download the document to your desktop.
Adobe Acrobat    OSAC Information Sharing Survey Analysis (18 May 2004)
This report focuses on ways to fulfill the need for an the sharing of information regime between the American public and private sectors, looking at the needs of both parties as well as current practices. The proposed regime looks to fulfill the current and growing information needs of both the public and private sectors, with the goal of implementing a system that is both more accessible and more informative than that currently in place.
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (33 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    OSAC Activity Report: April 2004 (12 May 2004)
The Research and Information Support Center (RISC) reported 278 consultations for the month of April, 26% above the current running 12-month RISC average. April also marked RISC’s fourth consecutive month registering more than 250 constituent consultations.
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (33 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Terrorists’ Tactics – The Shift to Softer Targets Continues (7 May 2004)
In nearly a year since OSAC last addressed a noticeable shift by terrorists in the direction of softer targets, nearly all the major terrorist attacks that have taken place were directed at facilities we would characterize as relatively soft. As we consider the recent series of attacks on soft targets and attempt to anticipate where terrorists might strike next, we are concerned that a number of our constituents may fall into the category of soft targets.
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (27 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    OSAC Activity Report: March 2004 (7 May 2004)
The Research and Information Support Center (RISC) reported 418 consultations for the month of March, an amazing 49% increase in activity from February. For the third consecutive month RISC reports a record high in constituent consultations.
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (28 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Iraq Kidnapping Report (16 April 2004)
OSAC is closely monitoring the recent kidnappings of private citizens working and residing in Iraq. Although too early to identify specific trends, it is clear that some Iraqi insurgents are using...
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (147 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Sri Lankan Elections: Where to From Here? (7 April 2004)
Sri Lanka's parliamentary elections last week raised more questions than they answered. After two and a half years of cohabitation, the President called these early elections to...
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (191 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Madrid Bombing (12 March 2004)
On 11 March 2004, 10 explosive devices were detonated between 0730 and 0745 local time at three train stations in Madrid, Spain killing 199 people and wounding more than 1,450 other commuters. The first explosives, a total of three, detonated at 0739 on a commuter train that had already arrived at the Madrid Atocha Train station...
Click here to find out more. MS Power Point (1179 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Automated Teller Machine Scams (5 March 2004)
The Overseas Security Advisory Council, courtesy of the Regional Security Office in London, would like to take this opportunity to review the various methods criminals are using at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs).
Click here to find out more. Adobe Acrobat (1002 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Missionary Attacks in Europe (17 February 2004)
OSAC notes that there have been a significant number of incidents against representatives of religious organizations within the past two months in Europe. Out of the incidents reported, there were attacks of intimidation, physical assault, sexual assault, and vandalism.
Click here to find out. Adobe Acrobat (139 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    RISC 2003 Activity Summary (4 February 2004)
RISC reported 2161 consulatations with constituent organizations and 217 threats (both actual incidents and potential threats) to American interests abroad in 2003.
Click here to find out. Adobe Acrobat (227 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Increase in violence toward missionaries (22 January 2004)
Since the beginning of the holiday season OSAC has been monitoring an increase in violence directed toward representatives of religious organizations operating in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Click here to find out. Adobe Acrobat (105 Kb)
Adobe Acrobat    Snapshot of Business and Legal Challenges in Russia. (29 August 2003)
American companies have come to face obstacles when entering into business in Russia, especially where legalities are concerned. The following provides a synopsis of the current situation and some general tips.
Click here to find out. Adobe Acrobat (124 Kb)
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Current Announcements

OSAC Support for Global Events
In 2004, multiple events will take place around the world that may impact the operations of OSAC constituents, and may affect the security of Americans traveling in the region. As a service to its constituents, OSAC will provide regular security assessments and updates for all of these events. Below is a chronological listing of events and a summary of security concerns and actions OSAC is taking.
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2004 Summer Olympic Games
August 13-29 2004 Athens, Greece

From 13-29 August 2004 the Summer Olympic Games will be held in Athens, Greece. For further information on the event and Greece in general, please visit the following websites:

For more information please visit the Athens Country Council site

NATO Summit in Istanbul, Turkey
June 28-29 2004 Istanbul, Turkey

The NATO Summit takes place June 28 -29 , 2004 in Istanbul, Turkey and will be attended by Heads of State and Government of the now 26 NATO member countries, as well as senior representatives from partner countries, including United States President George Bush. Potential threats to the Summit include demonstrations, violence by anarchist groups, crime and terrorism, particularly in light of the British Consulate and HSBC bank bombings of November 2003, where 28 people were killed when two co-coordinated vehicle improvised explosive devices were simultaneously detonated.

On May 3, 2004 nine alleged members of the radical Islamist group, Ansar al-Islam (which has been linked to al-Qaeda), were sent to prison in connection with their alleged plans to attack the Summit. Police arrested at least 16 men. Nine men were charged and seven were released. The suspects reportedly were also planning to attack a synagogue in Bursa and rob a bank to raise funds for the group. To date more than 30,000 security forces are scheduled to provide security and logistics for the Summit.

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For Your Information
The Overseas Security Advisory Council would like to highlight the links below in an effort to keep our constituency information on related programs within the U.S. Department of State.

Bureau of Diplomatic Security

Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. Department of State
The Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) is a unique organization which plays an essential role within the United States Department of State. The Bureau's personnel, who include special agents, engineers, diplomatic couriers, Civil Service specialists, and contractors, work together as a team to ensure that the State Department can carry out its foreign policy missions safely and securely. (
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Rewards for Justic

Rewards For Justice Program
The Rewards for Justice Program is one of the most valuable U.S. Government assets in the fight against international terrorism. Under this program, the Secretary of State may offer rewards of up to $5 million for information that prevents or favorably resolves acts of international terrorism against U.S. persons or property worldwide. (
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Calendar Events
OSAC Key Events Want to know of potential significant events that could affect your travel or safety abroad? Look here for all the information you need to make the best decision.
June 13, 2004. CAMEROON. By-Elections
By-elections will be held across Cameroon on 13 June. These elections may be contentious, as they serve as a re-vote of an election held in 2002, challenged in court and overturned in May. Observers note that the environment in which these elections are held is likely to mirror the environment that will surround the upcoming Presidential Elections, proposed for this October.  

June 13, 2004. LITHUANIA. Lithuania Presidential Elections
The parliament approved a resolution on 15 April to hold presidential elections on 13 June together with the elections to the European Parliament. The Constitutional Court also announced a decision that day declaring that a decree signed by Paksas on 12 March calling for the impeachment of Paulauskas for disclosing state secrets violated the constitution. The court ruled that the parliamentary statute which allowed Paksas to propose that impeachment violated the constitution which only gives the parliament the right to participate in the impeachment process. Copyright 2004. Radio Free Europe. All Rights Reserved.  

June 24, 2004. NIGER. Local Elections
Local elections will be held on 24 June throughout Niger. The elections will determine mayorships and municipal councilorships, and are a precursor to Parliamentary and Presidential elections that will be held later this year. As of posting date, there were no complaints from any groups within Niger regarding the date set for elections, nor were there any complaints regarding the handling of the elections by the Nigerien election commission. The elections will feature candidates from the 33 recognized Nigerien political parties, although only 5 are expected to have any major number of winning candidates. According to Nigerien law, 10% of all candidates must be female.  

June 28, 2004. TURKEY. NATO Summit Meetings
Meetings at the Heads of State and Government level of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) and between NATO and Heads of State and Government of Partner Countries will be held in Istanbul on 28-29 June 2004.  

July 5, 2004. INDONESIA. Presidential Elections in Indonesia
Presidential elections will be held in Indonesia. If no presidential candidate wins the required majority during the July 5 election, there will be a runoff presidential election on 20 September.  

August 13, 2004. GREECE.
Olympic Games begin in Athens, and will last until August 29.  

November 15, 2004. NAMIBIA. General Elections
Namibia has set general elections for November 15 and 16 to select a successor to veteran President Sam Nujoma, who has been in office since independence in 1990. Namibia's SWAPO-dominated parliament altered the constitution to allow Nujoma to stand for a third term in 1999, but that term ends on March 21, 2005. Whoever is chosen is regarded as firm favorite to succeed Nujoma as president given the party's grip on power - it won three out of four votes in 1999 national elections. Namibia has also set regional council elections for November 29 and 30.  

November 29, 2004. NAMIBIA. Local Elections
Namibia has also set regional council elections for November 29 and 30. These polls follow by two weeks the general elections to choose a successor to President Sam Nujoma.  

December 20, 2004. MALAYSIA. Legislative Elections
The National Front [Barisan Nasional-BN] will attempt to maintain its coalition and dominance of Malaysia in the face of electoral challenges by PAS [Pan Malaysian Islamic Party].


Want to see more?
View our full list of key calendar events. Think we missed an event? Submit your event to us. We will review it and determine whether to list it for the constituency.
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 Consular Affairs

View more information from Consular Affairs on their website located at

 Latest News

'Anti-Social Elements' Blamed for Petrol-Bomb Attacks in Soth Belfast

India and Pakistan
6,000 Attend Funeral of Kashmiri Leader

Amsterdam Crime Rate Falls, but Murders, Robberies Rise

BBC to Hire Armed Guards for Journalists in Hostile Areas

Israel and Lebanon
Border Situation Tense after Israeli Air Strike

Saudi Arabia
British Airways Reroutes Saudi Flights on Security Concerns

United States
Bush, G-8 Leaders Show Harmony on Iraq

Canada Plane Crash Kills 2; Pilot Saves 1

Cayman Islands
Cayman Banks Report $1 Trillion in Assets

Chissano Lauds 'Like Me' Successor

Church Vows to Exorcise "Demons of Electoral Fraud"

United Kingdom
Civil Servants Make Strike Threat

Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Clashes Reported in Western Parts of Country

Israel and West Bank/Gaza
Committee Holds Meeting for Gaza Pullout

Crime Rate Surging: Report

Cuban Dissident Freed from Jail

Saudi Arabia
Doubts Arise on Saudi Arabia's Stability

Congo (Democratic Republic)
DR Congo Army Recaptures Bukavu

Extortion Calls Traced to Jail

Fortress Portugal

Greece and Italy
Greece and Italy 'Failing in Security'

Guatemalan President Hit by First Major Protest

Mexico and United States
High Court Opens U.S. Roads to Mexican Trucks

India and South and Central Asia
India: Pipelines and Pipe Dreams

India and Nepal
Indian-Run School in Nepal Bombed

Interior Minister Sees New Link in Terror Threats

Iraq Hostages Rescued, but Turks Abducted

Iraq Update: 9 June 2004

Iraq, U.N. Officials Try to Reassure Kurds

Iraqi Oil Up in Flames After Pipeline Blast

Israel and West Bank/Gaza
Israeli Strike on Gaza Workshop

Iraq and Italy
Italians Embrace Freed Hostages

Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Ivorian Air Strike on Rebel Zone

Kadyrov Says Troops Not Needed

Karzai Shows He'll Cast Lot With a Corps of Warlords

Key Points: UN Resolution

Liberia's Rebels Suspend Leader

Market Toll Rises to 11

McDonald's outlet in Chile Firebombed by Molotov Cocktail-Wielding Assailants

MCP Joins Opposition Election Challenge

Measures for Athens International Airport During Olympic Games Unveiled

Sri Lanka
Monks Beaten Up in Parliament Row

Museveni Asks for 3rd Term

Belgium and Italy
NATO Was Arrested Militants' Possible Target

Nigerian Talks Fail, Strike to Go Ahead

Nigerians Besiege Banks, Fuel Stations

Nigerians Strike over Fuel Prices

Norway Trains for Disaster

Latin America
OAS Meeting Ends with a Call To Fight Corruption

Olympic-Size Traffic Jams as Torch Relay Gets Under Way in Beijing

Organization Calls for Haiti Elections

Pakistanis Say Kill Eight Foreign Militants

Piraeus Port Faced with Olympian Task

Police Called in After Telecommunications Cables Cut in Nfld and N.S.

Police Seek Tougher Road Laws

Congo (Democratic Republic)
Profile: General Laurent Nkunda

Putin Hopes to Promote Russian WTO Membership at G8 Summit

PWG Accepts Invitation for Talks, Insists on Ceasefire

Qatar Launches First Constitution

United States
Reagan Ceremonies Shifting to Washington

Rebels Say Govt Forces, Planes Attack in West Sudan

Recent Arrest 'Confirms' Italy's Role as Terrorist Asylum, Base

Afghanistan and Tajikistan
Russian Pullout Not to Disrupt Security on Tajik-Afghan Border

Saboteurs May Be Aiming at Electrical and Water Sites as Summer Nears

Shock death mars Portugal EU poll

Six Killed as Bangladesh Building Crumbles

Small Blast Hits Election Rally in Italy, Six Hurt

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Fighter Jet Crashes

United Kingdom
State Pledges Action on Syndicates Linked to Al-Qa'ida Passport Incident

Students in Far-West Flee Due to Insecurity

Sudan Rebel Leader Sells Peace

Trinidad And Tobago
Teachers Stay Home in Massive Protest

Terrorism vs. Sports

Afghanistan and Tajikistan
Tonnes of Drugs Seized in Tajikistan

Turkish TV allows Kurds airtime

U.N. Security Council Backs New Iraq Gov't

Saudi Arabia
U.S. Contractor Killed in Saudi Arabia

U.S. Force in Iraq to Grow as Marine Deployment Pushed Up

U.S. to Give Colombia $50 mln for Anti-Drug radar

US Will Press G8 to Relieve Iraq's $120bn Debt

Venezuelan recall vote set for Aug. 15

Violence Rocks Corsica

What Kind of State is Nepal?

Zimbabwe to Nationalize All Land

This box reflects information last updated on 9 June 2004.

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