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All Made in USA &
American Made Information, Database and
Search Engine. |
The Made in USA(sm) Organization is dedicated
to bringing the jobs and prosperity back to the united States of America.
Your help in developing and maintaining this database will assist our efforts
to accomplish this goal. The Service Mark of "MADEinUSA!" is your
indication that most of the product or service is performed here in America.
Select a folder from our cardfile above and click on the tab for the most
current listings found by our search engine, and submitted by the web site
owners. Their claim is verified as much as time permits, as we are a very
understaffed, not-for-profit organization.
We hope, with your help, to assist everyone in
locating those products that are advertised on the
World Wide Web, and are:
Legal Definition of MADE in USA
"On the Plains of Hesitation,
bleach the bones of countless millions who,
at the dawn of victory,
sat down to wait,
and waiting,
- William A. Lawrence
375,500 HIGH TECH Workers being IMPORTED to USA
USA Made Information
use our buttons on your home page
And last, the Social Security Administration, one of
FDR's central government devices for entrapping a
dependent constituency, just celebrated its 65th
anniversary. SSA employees were given small boxes
with stylish memorabilia pins emblazoned with the
propaganda casting, "Social Security, An American
Cornerstone." Ironically, the back of the boxes
stated -- more accurately -- "Made in China."
Remember this is YOUR DataBase!
Copyright (c) 1995-2002 MADEinUSA!org