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The marina has  48 slips for its members. There is 300 feet of dockage in the canal to the  north of the Club used for visiting yachts. All docks have electric, water and TV connections. The Club docks are in a protected area just inside the Venice Inlet.  The members enjoy discounted fuel and full time dockmaster services.



Boating Activities

The Fleet Captain arranges overnight cruises to various clubs and marinas usually on the west coast each month. There are day luncheon cruises planned during the year also.  Each year there is an extended cruise planned to distant places such as the Keys or the Bahamas.


Formal Functions

 There are formal functions including the Commodore's Ball, Candlelight Ball and New Year's Eve Celebration. Each month there is a theme party planned by the Commodore's wife and committee.



Dining Facilities 

Dining can be formal or casual at the Venice Yacht Club, depending on the occasion or which dining facility you choose. Six days a week, the Club offers luncheons and dinners in the formal dining room, simpler meals in Pearson's Grill or depending on season, the Tiki Bar area. Sunday champagne brunch in the main dining room is very popular and well attended.  The Club has special rooms for family events and meetings. 

                                                                                                                                                   Tiki Bar

The Tiki Bar which is located alongside our pool has a large deck area. This area is another very popular area on Friday nights for cocktails and a light meal. There is usually a buffet as well as hamburgers and hotdogs out there. With the buffet there is always the ice cream machine with an assortment of cookies to cap a perfect evening with friends. Light luncheons are also available in season. 




Sunset Room 

The VYC is very proud of its beautiful Sunset Room on the second floor of the Club. One may view Roberts Bay and the ICW from the east of the Club and then see the Gulf of Mexico from the west side. Of course the name of the room tells us that in the evening you are in for a beautiful view as the sun sets on the Gulf. The room can be divided for 2 functions. Of course this room also boasts a beautiful Sunset Bar. Many Club functions such as the bridge groups, Fleet Captains, First Mates, computer club and private parties are held here.


Burgee Store

The Burgee Store is located to the right of the stairs on the first floor. Many items custom for the VYC can be found here such as license plates, VYC pocket patches as required for the navy blazers worn at formal affairs, burgee flags for boats, and clothing and accessories for both men and women.

HOURS: 11:00 - 1:00 every Tuesday and 5:00 - 7:00 every Friday evening. The store will try to fill your needs or wants. Come in and browse around.  



The swimming pool is always a welcome sight to visiting yachtsman after a long days run in the hot Florida sunshine. Members also take advantage of the beautiful pool for a cool dip. Water aerobics is very popular with the ladies of the Club and during the summer months the little tykes can be seen taking swimming lessons.         


Regular Weekly Activities 

Tuesday is Bingo night and is a casual night at the club with a delicious buffet. You may attend the buffet even if you don't care for bingo.

Wednesday starts with a happy hour  at the main bar with an assortment of hor d' oeuvres. Of course regular dining follows in the main dining room  and a special Pasta Bar prepared to your taste.    

Thursday is another casual night better known as "Family Night" Usually three entrée items are offered at a  set price which includes salad, dessert and beverage. Of course the regular menu is available if you prefer.

Friday night  is called Galley Night which might also be described as "TGIF". A very popular casual night at the club where friends meet at the bar for cocktails. An assortment of hor d'oeuvres are always available. Dinner is available in the main dining room, as well as a less formal menu in Pearson's Grill and the Tiki Bar weather permitting.


Regular Monthly Activities

Birthday/Anniversary:   Usually the first Saturday of each month to recognize those celebrating.

Bridge: Several choices.. Duplicate bridge is held two times a month, the first and third Thursday of each month. Progressive bridge is held on the second Thursday of each month and Ladies bridge is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

First Mates: Luncheon held the first Wednesday of each month. 

Fleet Captains: The men meet every Tuesday for lunch.

Ladies Luncheon: The women meet on the third Friday for a luncheon with a guest speaker.

Skippers:  The men  meet on the second Wednesday for a luncheon with a guest speaker.


The Currents










The "Currents" is the club's monthly newsletter. The publication keeps all members informed of coming events and featured theme parties. Also included is a calendar of events for the following month.





©2003 Venice Yacht Club