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'cept without all the smoke!

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Possible technical Issues w/ SurfChat
In general, be certain that you are using the latest version of whichever browser you prefer. 

The latest browser, of whichever type you chose, will run SurfChat. It's a JAVA script, any current browser will have no problem with it. If you find you are not able to access SurfChat, check with the website that maintains your browser - for example - Netscape, Microsoft, AOL, etc.

For those of you with AOL or IE5.0 and having problems with this JAVA chat room, please follow this link to the Microsoft Virtual Machine Update:

Once you get there, download the VM Update for your specific version of IE. To find out which version you are running, click on "help" and then "about IE" at the top of the screen. Download the file to a directory and make a note of the directory where you downloaded it. Once it's done downloading, using Windows Explorer, go to that directory and double click on the file that you just downloaded. Once installed, your problems should be history!

There really aren't any known problems with the chat and Netscape, so long as you are fairly current in version. I've not tried any Netscape versions earlier than 4. If you are using Netscape and having problems, try downloading a newer version from the good folks at Netscape!
Get the latest version of Netscape!

*If you are certain that your computer and internet settings are set to run JAVA scripts, like SurfChat, and you are still having problems getting to the SurfChat page, it's likely that you are behind a firewall. If you are on your personal computer and have access to firewall settings, you need to "allow JAVA applets or scripts". If you are at work or cannot access your firewall settings, we apologize, but there's nothing we can do. Might as well go check out SurfTalk and see what surf fishing talk is going on :-)


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This page was last updated on 05/19/2004
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