The Wayback Machine -

#43 Unusual Vision

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Create images that are a product only you could have taken. Show us how you see the world differently from anyone else. Show us why your vision is special.

#42 Moody Landscape

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In this project demonstrate the power of the moody landscape. Use light, depth of field, and perspective, to create a strong statement about a place you enjoy photographing.

#41 Perspective

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Create photographs using a unique perspective or angle. We would like to see a variety of pictures that really emphasize your ability to showcase a point of view. Try to be original and capture something wonderful.

#40 Street Photography

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Show us your best street photography. Black and white or color images are acceptable. We want to see personal images of people you find interesting for any reason. Avoid the cliche and show us something only you could have photographed.

#39 Artificial Light Contest

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This contest is open to all members that use flash or any other type of artificial lighting. Dazzle us with your creativity by using light and shadow. Contest ends january 15th and winners will be receiving a free usefilm donor ... (more!)

#38 Photo Help

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Upload any picture you need help with. This is an opportunity to ask for specific help on a photograph. In the about box state exactly what you would like help improving in your image. Comments in this project are moderated.

#37 Night Photography

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Upload images taken at night, which illustrates the concept that not all great photography is done in daylight.

#36 Magic Light

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Create a photograph using the most magical light you can find. No matter what your favorite subject is, they all require some magic light. Try to take one photograph that truly represents what you consider magical light.

#35 Home

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Take photographs of anything in or around your home. Try to be creative and stretch your imagination.

#34 The Toy Camera II

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Grab a toy camera, holga, lubitel, pinhole and see what you can create without all the technical getting in the way. Creativity & Fun is the point of this project.

#33 Pictures of Famous Places

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Let's see your best images of famous places. An example would be a creative shot of the Statue of Liberty, White House, etc.

#32 Lines

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Illustrate the concept of lines in photographs.

#31 The Square Image

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In this project we would like it if everyone demonstrated the power of the square image. Allow yourself to leave the rectangle that you are probably so accustomed to using and try to go square.

#30 Water

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Illustrate water in a visually exciting way. Try to be creative and demonstrate the various properties of water. Enjoy this project and remember that you can do any of the past projects and still receive critiques and ratings.

#29 B&W; Flower

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Photograph a flower(s) or plant(s) in black and white and create something unique. Yes there is the black and white cliche flowers but I want some creativity here! Up to the challenge?

#28 Spring 2003

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Spring typically is typically the time of birth and growth, it would be wonderful if everyone could go outside and try to illustrate that concept. Show us what spring means to you and why.

#27 Your best photograph!

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Upload the best photograph you have ever taken. I want everyone to set a high standard for their own photographs and I can think of no better way than to compete with your own best work.

#26 Photo Contest

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Feeling competitive lately? and are sponsoring a photo contest. The best series of 5 flower photographs wins 5 custom printed calendars of your images. The photographer retains all rights etc. Contest ends March ... (more!)

#25 Characters

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No matter where you are in the world you can always find a few strange characters on the streets of your town to photograph. Show us some of the strangest and most unique characters you can find.

#24 The Decisive Moment

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Illustrate the decisive moment. Take a risk, lead with your heart, and let's see some photographs that really illustrate the power of photography to capture a single moment in time.

#23 Objects

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The goal of this project is to photograph common objects and make them appear extraordinary. Light, shadow, and perspective are your tools to accomplish this task.

#22 Friendship

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Illustrate the concept and reality of friendship. Try to be innovative in the execution of this project. The ability to illustrate emotions visually will allow all your photographs to create a bond with the viewer.

#21 Alone

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Try to illustrate the concept of being alone or lonely. Use light, composition, and texture to portray this concept effectively.

#20 Classic Landscape

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This project involves taking a sharp, well composed photograph. No tricks, no photoshop, no blurr, no abstracts, just a perfectly sharp, well composed photograph. We want to see your eye work towards a pure photographic composition. ... (more!)

#19 Above Your Head

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Take a fresh look at what is above your head. (Do NOT take pictures of your head) Take that camera, and point it directly up. Lets see what you can discover by blending the creative and technical together.

#18 Beneath Your Feet

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Take a fresh look at what is below your feet...directly below your feet. Take that camera, and point it directly down ...the camera plane should be parallel to the ground. Lets see what you can discover down below, where you have only ... (more!)

#17 Toy Camera

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Grab a toy camera, holga, lubitel, pinhole and see what you can create without all the technical getting in the way. Creativity & Fun is the point of this project.

#16 Poetry in Pictures

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Choose a poem that speaks to you, and make photographs that speak for you. Illustrate the poem as you see fit, preferably in a way such that your photographs enhance or complement the poem. Submit a minimum of three or more images, along ... (more!)

#15 Personal Style

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Create photographs that you believe are the beginning stepping stones of your own artistic style. What makes your vision special? Show us who you are in your images. Post a series of between 4 and 10 images in total. If you think this is ... (more!)

#14 Fall Color 2001

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This is an easy one, go shoot some gorgeous fall scenery with a twist. Abstracts, leaves, textures, etc. I'm sure most of you already have been outside and shot some wonderful stuff, so let's see what you have added to your portfolio this ... (more!)

#13 Long Exposure

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Long exposures....can be useful to create a ghost-like effect, for nigthtime cityscapes, or merely to compensate for low light levels. September offers many opportunities to play with light. There still is significant daytime light, but ... (more!)

#12 Dramatic B&W; Shadows

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Take advantage of the long light hours and the stronger mid-day sun of August and explore the shadows that are present. Instead of avoiding this supposed harsh light of mid-day, why not embrace it and see what you can create in your lens? ... (more!)

#11 The Incredible, Edible Egg

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Granted, Easter is past us, but that doesn't mean you don't have a few left in your refrigerator! Be creative, play with the shape and see if you can come up with something interesting...different than just a grocery store ad! Can it be a ... (more!)

#10 Grainy Film for Effect

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Many films are overlooked due to their inherent graininess, but this can be used to the Photographer's advantage! Imagine the possibilities that open up when clarity is avoided, rather than embraced! Many films are naturally ... (more!)

#9 Pictures of Our Members

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Show us what you look like! (short project for fun)

#8 Reflections

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Photograph any reflections that you find aesthetically pleasing. The main goal of this project is to find or create something out of nothing. Everyday we pass by reflections and never think how they can appeal to us in very different ... (more!)

#7 Maximum Depth of Field

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"Using Depth of field" - Projects 6 and 7: Photograph anything using minimum and maximum depth of field. The simplest was to accomplish getting a very shallow depth of field is open up the aperture on your lens e.g. set it to F 2.8 or ... (more!)

#6 Minimal Depth of Field

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"Using Depth of field" - Projects 6 and 7: Photograph anything using minimum and maximum depth of field. The simplest was to accomplish getting a very shallow depth of field is open up the aperture on your lens e.g. set it to F 2.8 or ... (more!)

#5 Simulate Daylight

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A show of humanity (1) Photograph a person you know using only window light (2) Photograph the same person using window light + a large white reflector (3) Photograph the same person using window light + a reflector + flash (vary the ... (more!)

#4 Fall Color 2000

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This is the easy one, go shoot some gorgeous fall scenery with a twist. Abstracts, leaves, textures, etc. Shooting boring images will be punished by replacing all your Velvia with Seattle Film Works film. Don't forget to use your white ... (more!)

#3 The Intimate Portrait

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Since we all at one point or another need to take pictures of friends and family. I would like everyone to take a portrait of a person that conveys something about their character. It may be a simple studio type shot or a grander ... (more!)

#2 The Creative Flower

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It's time to celebrate summer and create an interesting series of flower images. The goal of this project is to approach a common subject like flowers and to bring out something unique. If you've seen the image that you are about to shoot ... (more!)

#1 Abstracts

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"The Black and White Abstract" - Photograph the beauty in found or manmade objects. This project will explore the tones and textures of the object or a group of objects. Explore the relationship of tones without color and attempt to ... (more!)


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