are used to attract fish to the boat and excite them to strike.
They work by splashing and/or flashing on the surface.
Two types of teasers
are used in Phuket:
teasers, which are wooden or plastic lures
with a wing on each side.
The wings give life to the fish-shaped body so it looks like a desperate
flying fish trying to lift off the surface. Bird
teasers can be trolled
separately or with a lure or string of lures behind them.
They work best in calm to moderate seas
a trolling speed between 4 and 8 knots.
Chains, which are a combination of bird
and plastic squid or soft
headed lures set on a heavy nylon leader.
Usually one Daisy
chain is trolled from each corner of the boat,
with the bait or lure
set on the outside of each chain
and one trailing behind the last lure
in the chains.
This technique is used with great success when targeting sailfish.
Note: Illustrated teasers can be
purchased through our "Shopping"