(Coryphaena hippurus)
common names:
Dolphin Fish.
Mahi Mahi (Hawaii).
Gold Mackerel (Scandinavia).
Upper body green or electric blue. Sides gold with flashes of
The male has an upright head. Female has a rounded head.
Dorsal fin runs almost full length of the body.
The male is larger and heavier than the female.
Temperature range:
21 - 28 Celsius (70 - 82 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
In open ocean around logs, flotsam, weed lines and in warm current.
Around buoys and FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices).
Fishing methods:
Trolling dead Mullet, Mackerel or Squid.
Trolling strip baits, often in combination with plastic squid.
Trolling smaller lures, konaheads, minnows and poppers.
Drifting with small live bait, often with chum.
Fighting characteristics:
Surface runs in combination with acrobatic jumps and direction changes.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots
for catching Dorado:
The fish mount displayed on this page
is handmade by Marine Life Phuket
and can be ordered through the Thai Fishing Guide.
See all details in Shopping
African Pompano
| Barracuda
| Barramundi
| Bonefish
| Cobia
| Coral Trout
| Dorado
Emperor - Longnose
| Emperor - Sweetlip
| Green Jobfish
| Grey Mullet
| Grouper - Honeycomb
| Marlin - Black
| Marlin - Blue
| Parrotfish - Bridled
| Parrotfish - Daisy
Parrotfish - Dusky
| Parrotfish - Ember
| Peacock Rockcod
| Permit
| Queenfish
| Rainbow Runner
Red Snapper
| Sailfish - Pacific
| Seaperch - Checkered
| Seaperch - Maori
| Shark - Blacktip Reef
Shark - Bull
| Shark - Grey Reef
| Shark - Hammerhead
| Shark - Leopard
| Shark - Mako
Shark - Tiger
| Stingray - Black-Blotched
| Stingray - Blue-Spotted
| Tanguigue
| Tarpon
Threadfin Salmon
| Trevalley - Bigeye
| Trevalley - Bluefin
| Trevally - Giant
Trevally - Golden
| Triple Tail
| Tripletail Wrasse
| Tuna - Dogtooth
Tuna - Kawa Kawa
| Tuna - Longtail
| Tuna - Skipjack
| Tuna - Yellowfin
| Wahoo
| |