Dusky Parrotfish
(Scarus prasiognathos)
Other common names:
Blue-faced Parrotfish.
Singapore Parrotfish.
Body and pelvic fin grey to brown.
Tail, dorsal fin and anal fin light blue with yellow lines.
Upper part of the head is yellow and the lower part
blue with yellow marking around the mouth.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Around outer coral reefs.
Fishing methods:
Bottom fishing with crab, snail or mussel.
Fighting characteristics:
A master in snagging your line on the reef.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots
for catching Dusky Parrotfish:
African Pompano
| Barracuda
| Barramundi
| Bonefish
| Cobia
| Coral Trout
| Dorado
Emperor - Longnose
| Emperor - Sweetlip
| Green Jobfish
| Grey Mullet
| Grouper - Honeycomb
| Marlin - Black
| Marlin - Blue
| Parrotfish - Bridled
| Parrotfish - Daisy
Parrotfish - Dusky
| Parrotfish - Ember
| Peacock Rockcod
| Permit
| Queenfish
| Rainbow Runner
Red Snapper
| Sailfish - Pacific
| Seaperch - Checkered
| Seaperch - Maori
| Shark - Blacktip Reef
Shark - Bull
| Shark - Grey Reef
| Shark - Hammerhead
| Shark - Leopard
| Shark - Mako
Shark - Tiger
| Stingray - Black-Blotched
| Stingray - Blue-Spotted
| Tanguigue
| Tarpon
Threadfin Salmon
| Trevalley - Bigeye
| Trevalley - Bluefin
| Trevally - Giant
Trevally - Golden
| Triple Tail
| Tripletail Wrasse
| Tuna - Dogtooth
Tuna - Kawa Kawa
| Tuna - Longtail
| Tuna - Skipjack
| Tuna - Yellowfin
| Wahoo
| |