The Wayback Machine -
Mountain Climbing
The Top Resort
in the Alps
Mountain Cuisine
Mountain Biking

Car Rental

Car hire will definitely improve your mountain vacation. No other mean of transport gives so much flexibility, speed and independence. Why shall you use bus or train, wait at the railway stations or depots and travel way much longer if you can just rent a car? No worries about tickets, no luggage limits, no departure times set by somebody else. No matter whether you rent a luxury Mercedes, sporty BMW or regular Fiat, a rented car will always turn out to be more convenient than any option of public transport.

Europe Mountains cooperates with best partners, offering most convenient pick up and drop off locations as well as extremely good rates.

Rent a car in Poland

Rent a car in Austria

Rent a car in Switzerland

Rent a car in France

Rent a car in Italy

Rent a car in Germany

Top hotel deals in the Alps
  Single - 36 €
  Double - 42 €
  Single - 36 €
  Double - 42 €
  Single - 36 €
  Double - 42 €
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Europe-Mountains - OTA Sp. z o.o. / ul. Chmielna 1/3 00-029 Warsaw /
Tel. +48 (22) 8294072 Fax. 48 (22) 8294074 / E-mail:
Barcelona Apartments, Berlin Apartments