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- Welcome to the BusterGoBoy WebSite! -

This page is dedicated to the animal in all of us.
Here in Hawaii, there is a dedicated group of "animals"
that consider surfing and off-road motorcycling
their prime methods of enjoying our precious land and sea.
We are fortunate enough to live in an area of extreme possibilities
in both realms.......

Tony Moniz's Faith Riding Company
Photo above is Tony having faith.

Visit our friends at:

the country
Click this text/graphic for a brief video tour of BusterLand!
- Video file is in Quicktime format (.mov) -

Sponger carnage at Pipeline
- Quicktime format (.mov) -

Visit the Clip&Dip; Photo Gallery
The MotoX Photo Gallery

TV / HollywoOd News:

The North Shore was loaded with Hollywood
and TV crews in 2003.
T.V. Series "North Shore" is currently being filmed.

Click here for the Official WB Boarding House WebSite.

Movies, Broadcast TV...
Something is ALWAYS in progress on the North Shore.

Most Recent Racing Results:

Kamoi o Makaha Motorcycle Club
Hare Scrambles:

Races are 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. A average 10 mile lap is completed in 20-30 minutes depending on how fast you are. Sustained a rt. elbow/arm injury as another rider passed by on steep off-camber hill. Finished 3rd in class.

Clip and Dip in Wahiawa, Hi.


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