The following document setting or page setting must be adhered to for us to be able to properly process your files. If your order is for a custom sized item, the document size should be set to the size of the finished product. If there are any bleeds on the document, the dimensions and the outer margins must be increased by .125" on all sides.
For cards with no bleeds the document dimensions must be 2" x 3.5". WITH Bleeds: 2.125" x 3.625"
For letterheads with no bleeds the document dimensions must be 8.5" x 11". WITH Bleeds: 8.625" x 11.125"
For envelopes with no bleeds the document dimensions must be 4.125" x 9.5". WITH Bleeds: 4.25" x 9.625"
1. Select a font from the font menu - Do not use style options or buttons from the menu bar (ie: Bold, Italic, Outline or Shadow) as they may result in incorrect output. 2. Use PostScript Type 1 fonts only - Do not use True Type fonts whenever possible. 3. Screen and Printer Fonts - Please take a moment to check all your files for necessary fonts. Both the suitcase and postscript font files for all fonts used must be included. Make sure you remember to collect the suitcase and postscript font files for all fonts used in any imported graphics. We do not keep the fonts you send. You must re-send fonts with every order.
Define rules by their measurements - Rather than indicate a hairline rule, specify a .5pt rule. Trapping For all colours that are touching, a trap must be applied. Use one of the following values for the trap: 2 pixels OR 0.5 points OR 1/64" Graphics 1. For solid images (line art), the graphic should be no less than 600 dpi, saved in a TIFF format. 2. For photo scans, all files should be scanned in at a resolution of 300 DPI. Scan photos at the final size you will be using it. 3. All graphics should be placed in the layout program at between 80% and 120%. 4. All graphics should be rotated in the original program (the scanning program) and NOT in the layout program applications. This can cause the file not to RIP properly. MAC - QuarkXPress & Pagemaker 1. a) Place fonts in a folder called "FONTS" b) Place alL graphics used in a folder called "GRAPHICS" c) Place the document(s) in a folder called "DOCUMENTS" d) Place all 3 folders into a new folder and give the folder a job name. (ie: "Chamois Car Wash") e) Make a .sit file using Drop Stuff. (Go to and under Macintosh software, search for "Drop Stuff" and download to you Mac. Then simply drag the final folder onto the icon to create your .sit file) PC - QuarkXPress 1. When selecting fonts, you must use only fonts listed in the back of our Commercial album. If you are using fonts not listed in our album, outlines must be created in an illustration program before pLacing into your QuarkXPress document. 2. a) Place alL graphics used in a folder caLLed "GRAPHICS" b) Place the document(s) in a folder called "DOCUMENTS" c) Place both folders into a new folder and give the folder a job name. (ie: "Chamois Car Wash") d) Make a .zip file by using Winzip. (Go to and under PC software, search for "Winzip" and downLoad to you PC. Then simply drag the final folder onto the Winzip icon to create your .zip file) PC - PageMaker 1. Send the native file(s) to us. Any supporting graphic file(s)used in your document must be incLuded. 2. a) Place all graphics used in a folder called "GRAPHICS" b) Place the document(s) in a folder called "DOCUMENTS" c) Place both folders into a new folder and give the folder a job name. (ie: "Chamois Car Wash") d) Make a .zip file by using Winzip. (Go to and under PC software, search for "Winzip" and download to you PC. Then simply drag the final folder onto the Winzip icon to create your .zip file) Mac - Freehand 1. Be sure to "convert to paths" all text characters in your document. 2. If you are using an imported graphic in your Freehand document, be sure to include the originaL graphic file. 3. Export the file as an EPS. 4. We will however accept the native file, if need be, as long as you include all fonts and graphics. Mac or PC - Photoshop 1. Bitmap files must be saved as a .tif. Grayscale and CMYK colour files must be saved as an .eps file. Do not use DCS option. 2. We recommend that you submit black and white bitmap images and grayscale images at 300 dpi for standard spot colour printing. Images that come at lower resolutions than what is recommended will be output as sent. We cannot raise the resolution here. 3. All files need to be submitted at the size being used for printing. Mac or PC - Adobe Illustrator 1. Change all text into "outlines" in your document. 2. If you are using an imported graphic in your Illustrator document, be sure to include the original graphic file. 3. Save the file as an Illustrator .eps, selecting version 11.0 or lower when given the option. 4. We will however accept the native file, if need be, as long as you include all fonts and graphics. PC - Corel Draw 1. Always export your files according to the following specifications and be sure to include your supporting graphics when sending to us. 2. Export the file as an .eps with text to curves option to eliminate font information from your file. 3. We wiLl however accept the native file, if need be, as long as you include all fonts and graphics. FINALLY... Please note: 1. Place a border indicating the outer edge of your item however, make the width the stroke 0. 2. Do not draw crop marks or lines indicating scoring, folding or cutting. 3. Do not include and instructions for printing on the file itself. These should be noted your order form, or on the FTP site under Special Instructions. 4. Please make a separate document for each order placed. (EXAMPLE: If you are ordering 3 business cards, make 3 separate documents. Some applications allow various sizes of documents within one document. Please use separate documents for each individual item.) 5. When sending signatures to scan. Please use a black felt tip pen instead of a ball point pen.
Please do not send orders through e-mail. |
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