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"I've tried Act, Goldmine and even custom solutions but have been disappointed by the results. Since we already used Outlook, selecting Prophet made a lot of sense for us."
Joel Gendelman,

Allegis Communications
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Compare Prophet 2004 to ACT 6.0, Goldmine and Outlook BCM

Prophet 2004 offers a completely integrated sales management system built into Outlook that is easy to use, more efficient to work with and will increase your close rate.
Feature Prophet 2004 Act 6.0 Goldmine Outlook BCM
Outlook Integration Builds on top of your Outlook data instead of replacing it Must synch ACT data with Outlook to integrate Must synch Goldmine data with Outlook to integrate Must manually recreate separate contacts within BCM contact folder meaning you now have two contact folders
Outlook Versions Supported Outlook 2000/02/03/XP Outlook 2000/02/XP Outlook 2000/02/XP Only in Outlook 2003
Create, Track & Manage Sales Opportunities Manage sales opportunities INSIDE of Outlook with Prophet Manage Sales Opportunities in ACT! then synch with Outlook Manage sales opportunities in Goldmine then synch with Outlook Manage sales opportunities in BCM with recreated contacts. Does not synch with current Outlook contacts
Opportunity notes, time/date stamping All notes included as part of the opportunity in Outlook. Auto time/date stamp for each note All notes included as part of the opportunity in ACT 6.0. Auto time/date stamp for each note All notes included as part of the opportunity in Goldmine. Auto time/date stamp for each note Each saved note is a separate file. Can’t see all notes in a single screen
Share data with simple peer to peer connections Prophet 2004 includes peer to peer data sharing Not an option Not an option Single user mode only. Can’t share data
Share data via centralized server Prophet Server edition adds central data sharing New server software needed New server software needed No Sharing Capabilities
Create pre-built and custom reports Yes. Saves in PDF, Word, Excel, HTML & TIFF Yes. Only saves in Word and Excel Yes. Only saves in Word and Excel Yes. Only saves in native BCM format
Personalized Group Emails Send group, personalized emails in text & html from within Outlook Must mail merge with Outlook Must mail merge with Outlook Need bCentral to do so (monthly fee required)
Single License Price $149.95 $229.95 $199.99 $319+ (must purchase as part of Office 11 Pro)
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