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For several months in 2008—until the World Trade Center’s 1,776-ft-tall Freedom Tower is finished—a planned 945-ft-tall Manhattan skyscraper might rank second in height in New York City to the 1,250-ft Empire State Building. But forget stature. The team for One Bryant Park, just starting construction, is far more excited about how “green” it might be. As planned, the 2.1-million-sq-ft office tower will have all the usual bells and whistles of a high-performance skyscraper and then some. A proposed anaerobic digester plant to produce methane from food waste and a “green” roof may not materialize.
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Under Nigerian-born Gregs Thomopulos, Heartland Engineer Shows Global Face

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The other shoe has dropped for Acres International Ltd. On July 23, the World Bank barred the closely held Canadian engineering firm for three years from participating in contracts issued through the international lending agency.

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  Award of Excellence

Many people in many ways serve the best interests of the construction industry. The editors of ENR have chosen the U.S. Army's Col. Gregg F. Martin to win its highest honor, the Award of Excellence for 2003.

Click here to read the cover story from April 5th issue about the Award of Excellence Winner. Click here to view video clips from Martin's acceptance speech. Click here to view the video of Iraq reconstruction that was shown at the awards dinner.

  enr top list survey forms

2004 ENR Top International Survey for companies based outside the United States may now be downloaded.

To access the Microsoft Word versions of the form, click here.

For the 2004 schedule for all of ENR's Top Lists and to learn how you can participate in the surveys, click here.

  fact of the week

Which TV network anchorman's father was a construction worker?

click here for answer

ENR's sourcebook on construction facts is a repository of construction industry's statistics, records and resources. For more information or to order,
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September 28-29, 2004, New York
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