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Lasik Information and Surgeons

What is Lasik?
LASIK, or “laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis,” is the most common refractive surgery procedure. Refractive surgeries, including LASIK, reshape the cornea to correct distorted vision often eliminating the need for glasses or contacts.
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Lasik News
Sun Exposure May Rob Sight
Your skin isn't the only thing you have to worry about when you're out in the summer sun. According to new research, your eyes need protection from ultraviolet rays, too.

A new study, presented in the May issue of The Archives of Ophthalmology, reports that people who spend a lot of time in the summer sun during their teens, 20s, 30s and early 40s are twice as likely to develop an early form
of macular degeneration - the leading cause of vision loss in older people - than people who stayed out of the sun. Read Full Article...

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Other Refractive Surgery Procedures
Epi-LASEK is a recent addition to vision correction procedures and is an alternative to the popular procedure LASIK. Despite the similarity in spelling to LASIK, epi-LASEK more closely resembles how a PRK procedure is performed. Standing for Laser Assisted Sub- Epithelial Keratomileusis, epi-LASEK was first publicized in 1999. Most people are more unfamiliar with epi-LASEK as opposed to LASIK, but this procedure has its advantages.

Read more about Epi Lasek

WaveLight Lasik
WaveLight is the brand name of a system that utilizes the latest wavefront-guided Lasik technology to reshape the patient's cornea. Invisible ultraviolet (UV) light pulses remove precise amounts of corneal tissue from the eye, reducing or even eliminating nearsightedness and astigmatism. A tracking device detects the position of the eye, aligning each laser pulse with the cornea to ensure accurate treatment.


wave front guided lasik


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