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Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

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Human Growth Hormone The Ultimate HGH.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a very powerful, naturally occurring hormone in the body that neurochemically initiates the repair and growth of cellular systems, organs and structures throughout the body. It aids not only in our body's own healing process but also helps our body to grow in strength and mass during athletic training.

 2 Bottle Human Growth Hormone Formula Kit: AM Regen HGH (60 caps) for the morning and PM Regen HGH (60 caps) for the evening.

2 Bottle Kit 1 Regen AM HGH & 1 Regen PM HGH



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4 Bottle Kit 2 Regen AM HGH & 2 Regen PM HGH



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6 Bottle Kit 3 Regen AM HGH & 3 Regen PM HGH



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12 Bottle Kit 6 Regen AM HGH & 6 Regen PM HGH



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Unfortunately, as we age, the nutrients the body needs to produce and release this important hormone are lacking in our diet and HGH production dwindles.

The ingredients in this MultiDimensional formula have been shown to naturally:

  • Help Promote and Release Human Growth Hormone from the Pituitary Gland for the Repair and Building of Tissue, Muscle and Bone
  • Help Support the body during Periods of Physical Trauma and Surgery, and the Pain and Damage Arising from Bodily Injury
  • Help Decrease the Formation of Keloid and Scar Tissue in Injured Areas

AM/PM REGENHGH contains the nutritional support that complements traditional medical treatments, and is recommended for:

  • Presurgical and Postsurgical Systemic Strategies
  • Fractures and Dislocations
  • Fibrous Tissue Injuries
  • Hemorrhages
  • Incised, Lacerated or Contused Wounds
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Body Building and Muscle Tone

2 Bottle Formula: AM Regen HGH (60 caps) for the morning and PM Regen HGH (60 caps) for the evening.

These Scientifically Advanced Physiological Nutraceutical Dietary Supplement formulas naturally complement the body's ability to aid in the healing and regeneration of body connective tissue, muscles, ligaments and bones, naturally promoting the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) from the Pituitary Gland in the Brain while micro-nutritionally advancing the health of tissues, muscles and bones.

Specific micro-nutritionals in AM/PM Regen HgH are useful in providing extra nutritional support when under a physician's care specifically for fractures and dislocations where promotion of the formation of the callus is desired, injuries of the periosteum and fibrous tissues, ascending neuritis after a fracture, as well as hemorrhages and vasomotor paralysis, promoting the healing of incised, lacerated or contused wounds while preventing suppuration (puss formation) and injury to nerves and neuritis. The selected ingredients within AM/PM Regen HgH are also useful in supporting the body systemically to metabolically reabsorb fibrotic conditions, scar tissue and keloid growth, ulcers of the skin, nutritionally providing needed support when attempting to resolve spinal irritation after injuries to spine, chronic sprains of single/group muscles, torn ligaments and tendons, synovitis, mechanical injury of carpal and tarsal joints, teeth extractions, as well as laceration or incised wounds of the cornea.

Human Growth Hormone is produced quite naturally and in abundance when we are young. It is this hormone that allows us to grow; hence the name, Growth Hormone. Without it, we simply do not grow as we should. In fact, when it is not within the body, dwarfism occurs, and if not caught in time, the results are irreversible.

Please note: Many other product lines try to sell you HGH (Human Growth Hormone) look-a-likes, but these usually prove ineffective or indeed are dangerous. Some even try to sell you Growth Hormone from Bovine cattle thinking that the body (and the general public) can be fooled so easily. But imitations are not that effective. In fact, they simply don't work. Recently reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Daniel Rudman, using a synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH) on the elderly, revealed that a significant increase in muscle function was noted and that individuals experienced changes in their bodies which were by some measure 20 years younger than what they started with. Dr. Rudman explained that their physique changed and that they had the appearance of being more fit and in better condition," as was reported within the New York Times. Fat was changed to lean body muscle, weight was lost and the return of skin elasticity was also noted. The drawback on the synthetic HGH is twofold. First, it costs approximately $14,000.00 -$20,000.00 per year in treatment, and second, the synthetic variety is a very tricky substance to deal with -- too much can incapacitate and kill.

Thankfully, Human Growth Hormone is a very powerful naturally occurring hormone in the body. The problem is that the production or release of Growth Hormone decreases as we become older. By the time we are 21 years of age, its production sharply falls off. By 30, the hormone is rarely being produced or released into the body. This is why we experience weight gain, or such a proclivity to gain weight, later in our lives. It's also why teenagers and those younger can eat so much high caloric food without storing fat.

These formulas supply the known naturally occurring and necessary building blocks needed by your own individual body to produce and release Growth Hormone. There is nothing artificial here. When taken as directed, these formulas aid in promoting the replenishment of natural Growth Hormone to the body proper, allowing effective growth and enhanced refurbishment of cellular structures throughout the body.

Additionally, these formulas complement the body's natural inclination to promote muscle growth especially when used within a program of light or heavy exercise. More muscle growth can be sustained with less effort with the use of the ingredients contained in both AM & PM Formulas. Continued directed use allows the toning of muscle without a lot of extra effort, and keeps the muscles toned for longer times between exercise periods. The ingredients in this formula have also been effective antifatigue agents, enhancing muscle performance while being less tiring, an important finding for athletes and sports enthusiasts.

It is important to note that each of these formulas are different, having different concentrations of many of the ingredients. You should not substitute one for the other. Both are recommended for use to aid the body in its safe and natural release of Human Growth Hormone according to the body's cycles of wake and sleep. Each formula "helps" the other and works in a reinforcing manner. When used together, they are thought to be more powerful than when used singularly. That is, when used together they are more powerful than the simple sum of their parts.

Besides being rich in the Free Form Amino Acids L-Arginine and L-Ornithine, these formulas have the Sapogenins Complex of SAP-A, SAP-B and SAP-C which are known Growth Hormone stimulators derived from plant and herbal sources. Sapogenins-A is noted to stimulate Human Testosterone, Sapogenins-B is an Herbal growth factor, and Sapogenins-C is a natural anabolic compound. In addition, each formula contains Colostrum, a critical peptide and protein-rich complex which contains a bevy of essential immune and growth hormone progenitors, and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), the “mother” hormone from which most other hormones can be converted upon demand by the body, including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and corticosterone. Because of such remarkable biochemical flexibility, DHEA and its “children” hormones have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce plaque size in atherosclerotic patients, block fat production, block the development of cancer in rats, improve memory and generally aid in all regenerative cellular function. The PM-Regen formula uniquely contains Melatonin (a naturally occurring sleep hormone) to ensure that we achieve Stage III of sleep (deep sleep), wherein HGH is normally released by the brain.

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102 S. Rainbow Ranch Rd.
Austin, TX 78676
