Natural Woman
Progesterone Cream!
A revolutionary break through treatment for symptoms of menopause, PMS and
other problems associated with the aging process ..essential body cream
for women & men!
Natural Women Progesterone Cream.
levels of women approaching their thirties drops dramatically resulting
in estrogen dominance which creates symptoms of menopause such as weight
gain, depression, decrease libido, fibrocystic breasts. Natural
progesterone helps to alleviate these symptoms.
1 jar of Natural Progesterone
Cream $27.95 Buy
it Now
Natural progesterone has been proven through research to safely
alleviate the discomfort of PMS and menopause, and may provide cancer
protective benefits.
Natural Woman essential body cream contains 960 mg of natural
progesterone per 2 oz. jar and is made with all natural ingredients.
Listed in the renowned book "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About
Menopause" by Dr. John R. Lee, the foremost authority on menopause.
Dr. Lee's research results:
- Progesterone levels of women approaching their thirties drops
dramatically resulting in estrogen dominance which creates symptoms of
menopause such as weight gain, depression, decrease libido,
fibrocystic breasts. Natural progesterone helps to alleviate these
John Hopkins Medical School - 20 Year
Research Study:
- Women with low progesterone experienced a tenfold increase from
all malignant cancers compared to the women with normal progesterone.
- Proved that natural progesterone provides cancer protective
Natural Woman Progesterone
Cream....What every concerned woman should use!
- Natural Woman progesterone therapy is a safe alternative to the
estrogen replacement therapies many women are currently taking.
- Natural Woman acts as an "antagonist" to estrogen balancing its'
effects so they remain helpful rather than harmful.
- There are serious side effects associated with estrogen
supplementation, such as an increase for endometrial cancer and breast
cancer that are not associated with natural progesterone.
- Increases breast cancer risk
- Increases body fat
- Promotes blood clotting
- Linked to depressive moods
- Decreases sex drive
- Increases breast cells
- Causes fluid retention
- Protects against breast cancer
- Helps convert fat to energy
- Normalizes blood clotting
- Natural anti-depressant
- Restores sex drive
- Protects against fibrocysts
- Natural diuretic
Progesterone is one of two main hormones the other
being estrogen made by the ovaries of menstruating women.
Progesterone is also made in smaller amounts in the adrenal
glands in both sexes and by the testes in males. When a woman's
monthly cycle is functioning correctly, estrogen is the dominant hormone
during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle. In response
to ovulation progesterone assumes dominance for the final two weeks of
the month. When the pituitary gland in the brain sends a
message to the ovaries to stop production of progesterone the menstrual
cycle begins within 48 hours of this message.
Progesterone is essential for survival and its deficiency can
cause a wide range of problems. Natural progesterone cream
applied transdermally is stored in the fatty tissues
for use as needed by the body to reverse the toxic effects of
estrogen dominance.
Menopause occurs, to a large extent when the
ovaries stop ovulating, and the monthly fluctuations in
natural progesterone come to a halt. Most women
continue to produce some estrogen; however, minimal
progesterone is produced after menopause.
Virtually all women complete menopause by age fifty-five,
although a rare woman continues the menstrual cycling as late as age
sixty. A number of symptoms may appear as menopause
approaches: irregular periods, excess or deficient menstruation,
painful intercourse vaginal dryness, hot flashes, thinning skin
decreased libido, memory problems, forgetfulness, immunity delayed
healing, insomnia, depression, increased risk of osteoporosis, hair
thinning, and heart disease. It is extremely important that
natural progesterone be used during this time.
The good news is that natural progesterone
can be recommended with confidence to everyone. Most men and
women can enhance their health after age fifty by using
a biologically active progesterone cream on their skin.
Progesterone is made up of small, fat-soluble
molecules and is well absorbed through the skin. It is
absorbed at first by the fat layer just under the skin and is
then diffused throughout the body via blood circulation.
Initially, in progesterone deficient individuals much of the progesterone
is absorbed by the body fat. In time, fat levels reach saturation and
continued doses result in increased blood levels of progesterone and a
stronger physiological effect. Thus, some women notice results right away,
while for others it may take up to three months. Since every
woman's body is different, the correct amount of natural
progesterone cream will vary therefore some women will require
more than others.
Natural progesterone in pill or tablet form has not proved
effective as it is almost completely broken down by the
digestive process before it has been able to enter the blood
stream. However, researchers have shown that when properly formulated with
certain specific natural carriers, the most desirable way to use natural
progesterone is in a transdermal (absorbed through the skin) cream. It is
known that transdermal or vaginal application allows it to bypass the
liver, thus improving its overall efficacy. This provides a safe, pleasant
and efficient way to help the body gently and in total harmony with the
way nature was designed to work.
Many women have found natural progesterone to be one of
the most important products they have ever used. Furthermore, the
beneficial skin moisturizing effects of transdermal progesterone
are often much appreciated by the women using it. It has become an
essential part of the practice of many health care professionals who are
continually learning more about this remarkable gift of nature.
Natural Progesterone Cream relieves many
Symptoms of Menopause such as
mood swings, anxiety, headaches, vaginal dryness, depression, loss of
libido and more...
Sherrill Sellman
More About Natural
Woman Progesterone Cream
"Products of Nature" - the manufacturer processes Mexican wild yam and
converts its content Diosgenin (a precursor to progesterone) into
progesterone first before incorporating it into the cream. It contains
no animal products.
Do not use Mexican wild yam cream directly because
human body cannot convert its content, diosgenin (a precursor to
progesterone) into progesterone. It has to be processed and converted to
progesterone in the lab first before it is added into the cream.
Be aware of cheap Wild Mexican Yam Cream products which do not
contain natural progesterone and hence no active hormonal
Many leading health authorities believe that progesterone is more
important than estrogen for relieving the more unpleasant symptoms of
menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and
discomfort. At menopause, estrogen level is still at 40-60% of normal
(manufactured by fat cells) while progesterone level falls to zero.
According to Dr. John R. Lee, Progesterone cream also reverse
osteoporosis without the danger of synthetic hormonal replacement such
as breast, ovary and uterine cancer, blood clot, heart disease and
Clinical Studies
In a double-blind trial of 102 women, use of progesterone cream was
found to significantly reduce hot flashes and related Menopausal
symptoms. (Leonetti HB, Longo S, Anasti JN. Obstet Gynecol, 1999:
94:225-228 Transdermal progesterone cream for vasomotor symptoms and
postmenopausal bone loss.)
Progesterone plays a role in bone metabolism and helps reduce the risk
of osteoporosis. Two studies, using topically applied natural
progesterone cream in combination with diet, exercise, and vitamin and
calcium supplementation, reported consistent gains in bone density over
a three-year period in hundreds of postmenopausal women. (Prior JC.
Progesterone as a bone-trophic hormone. Endocr Rev 1990;11:386-98) &
(Lee JR. Osteoporosis reversal: the role of progesterone. Int Clin Nutr
Rev 1990;10:384-91)
Natural Progesterone for Men:
One in every two men will be stopped in their tracks by prostate
problems after age 50.
And that number gets as high as 90% of men in their 70s and 80s!
Men with BPH (swelling of the prostate) and other male related problems
will appreciate the speed of relief with progesterone cream.
Dr. John R. Lee
Reduces Hot Flashes and
Night Sweats
Increases Energy and
Improves Memory
Reduces PMS and
Menopause-Related Sleep Disturbances - Promotes Sound Sleep Naturally
Calms, Relaxes and Gives
Relief from Irritability
Regulates Irregular Periods
and Heavy Bleeding
Eases Cramps and Migraine
Slows and Reverses the
Advance of Osteoporosis - Preserves and Builds Bone
Helps Protect Against
Breast Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Heart Disease and Shrinks Fibroids
A Natural Diuretic -
Prevents Water Retention and Bloating
Increases the Burning of
Fat for Energy - Lose Those Stubborn Pounds
Reverses Vaginal Dryness -
Restores and Increases Sex Drive
Delivers Anti-aging
Properties - Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines for a More Youthful
Natural Woman
Progesterone Cream contains 2 oz. and is one of a very few that
has been Kosher-Certified by Rabbinical Supervision. Formulated from all
natural ingredients. Does NOT contain alcohol, methylparaben,
propylparaben, Dong Quai, or Cramp Bark! Listed in Dr. John R. Lee's
on page 355. Usage instructions are included.
More Information:
Purified Water, Natural Glycerin, Stearal Konium Chloride, Vitamin E,
Avocado oil, Natural Progesterone USP (derived from the Mexican wild yam
root), Aloe Vera Oil, Rosemary Extract, Vitamin A Palmitate, Carrot Oil,
Lemon Grass Oil.