| | | FOIA Electronic Reading RoomIn accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as amended by Public Law No.104-231, 110 Stat. 3048), the Office of Inspector General will provide electronic access to reports for which FOIA interest has been expressed and which are, or are likely to become, the subject of subsequent requests; the information as posted may not be in the same format as was provided to the original requester. The FOIA, as amended, does not provide for the release of classified information, information relating to investigations in progress, information, or privacy-related information.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, the following reports have been redacted, and are availabe here in pdf form.
--12/30/02 Foreign Affairs System Integration Project Needs Redirection (IT-A-03-02)
--07/27/02 A Review of U.S. Policy Toward Venezuela --- November 2001 - April 2002 Redacted for Public Release
--03/31/02 Survey of the Broadcasting Board of Governors' Middle East Broadcasting Activities and Initiatives
--09/15/01 Review of Awards to Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation (Redacted)
--06/15/01 Audit of Critical Infrastructure Protection The Department Can Enhance Its International Leadership and Its Own Cyber Security
--06/15/01 Appendices to Critical Infrastructure Protection Audit report
--09/15/00 Exchange Visitor Program Needs Improved Management Oversight
-- Security and Intelligence Oversight Audit of the Protection of Classified Documents At State Department Headquarters
-- Report of Audit for the Department of State Defense Trade Controls
-- Investigation of Office of Cuba Broadcasting
-- Investigation of Richard C. Holbrooke - Failure to Disclose Financial Disclosure Information
-- Richard C. Holbrooke and Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation
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