Frequently Asked Questions
Answers To Our Services, Packages & SEO In General
Please review our frequently asked questions, as most commonly asked questions are answered for you. If you are still not quite sure after reading the FAQ's, still unsure about a particular service, package or just want some more information, feel free to email your question to me. Chances are, the question you have is one that another person is yet to ask. Ask away, as this will help build a detailed FAQ page for our services.
Answers To Your Questions
Definitions & Abbreviations
Can I ask you questions & advice without paying?
Search Engine Optimization Myths?
What technique do you utilise to optimize a website?
What do all these terms mean?
What are doorway, cloaking and spam?
What is your newsletter about?
Why isn't my website optimized considering I had it built by a web design firm?
What is search engine optimization?
What are the terms of your service?
What are your ranking guarantee's?
If your answer is not listed here, then try our SEO Myths & Rumours Exposed Article or, email from the top of the page.
Definitions & Abbreviations
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEM - Search Engine Marketing
Copywriter - The person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material
Optimize - Make the best or most effective use of a situation or resource
Search Engine Copywriting - Written text by a copywriter enhanced with relevant searched keyword phrases incorporated within the phrase structure.
Can I Ask You Questions & Advice Without Paying?
Yes! I have a forum that is newly established for exactly this. Do not send general questions to me on email, because I will disregard them. Ask your advice at my forum by registering, which takes a minute of your time. You then have access to myself and other professionals from around the globe. I will say it again, do not waste your time emailing me if your not purchasing from me, as all these questions go into the forum.
Why Isn't My Website Optimized Considering I Had It Built By A Web Design Firm?
Simply put, web designers do not have the knowledge base of search engines as that is not their speciality. I maintain a basic knowledge of web design, though excel in optimisation and submission, where a web designer has a basic knowledge of optimisation to include within a webpage to be accepted by search engines, though they excel in web design itself. This is the simplest explanation.
What Technique Do You Utilise To Optimize a Website? only utilises completely organic methods to optimize websites. This means that we do not use tricks or spam to gain high rankings. All changes are made to your actual website pages, located on your server and you own everything on completion. No hidden pages, no cloaking, no door-pages, no tricks, just professional optimization compliant with search engines editorial policies.
What Do All These Terms Mean?
The world of search engine optimisation and submission can be a little daunting to people who have no interest or experience in this field. The following is a list of terms used on this site or in the field of SEO.
# SEO - Search Engine Optimisation.
# SERP - Search Engine Results Page.
# HTML - Hyper Text Mark-up Language is what websites are designed with primarily.
# Flash - Another website design code, however; flash is a dynamic language.
# CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is another form of website design utilising external text pages to run repetitive HTML tasks.
# Meta - The information contained in the top section of your website HTML code.
# Submission - The actual process of sending your website to the search engine database with the correct information.
# Doorway - A page with no real content and only focused on one key phrase.
# Cloaking - Exactly that, an identical page as what we see, except cloaked and hidden for only search engines to read.
# Spam or Spamming - A term used for repetition of words or continual submission of an identical page or identical website.
# Backdoor Submission - A pyramid affect for search engines, submit to one key engine and a website will filter to many under it.
What Are Doorway, Cloaking & Spam?
All three are know as cheating by the major search engines.
Doorway Pages - These are an individual page designed solely to target one key phrase only. The Meta information only contains the one phrase with an immediate text heading containing that phrase. These pages incorporate most SEO aspects into one very brief and short page. You basically have to make the page with no refresh or redirection scripts or the major engines will immediately pick it as a non-relevant spam page. Some companies make these then cloak them in an attempt to deceive the search engines but as stated previously, these individuals obviously have no real concept of what search engines are about and what technology they incorporate. Now for the side ball, door-pages are actually accepted by one or two major engines, which I am not going to reveal. If you didn't employ door-pages in these two major engines / directories then your chances of being seen are probably very little. I still do not utilise them, as they are not pertinent enough to condone this type of activity.
Cloaking - is exactly as it says, your page is cloaked, hidden from view, not visible to the human eye. I will put this as simple as possible, every website or instrument on the Internet has an IP address. This is a number that is automatically read from any source. You think you can hide it or block it, wrong. Every search engine spider, crawler, etc has an IP address in which it lives or is sent from. When that IP address is read to visit a particular website a cloaking script can be imported to redirect that IP address to another folder for example on that site. Within this folder is a copy of your homepage or pages that you have beefed up to perform within that particular search engine. Instead of the search engine reading your actual page that users see with their own eyes, they read and cache an entirely different page specifically designed for them. This allows a user to write an ugly page specifically designed to perform for given keywords or phrases. Now this is legal to some point and was made for a purpose. The purpose was to stop other people from stealing your hard earn work on your website and reproducing it to achieve the same results within a search engine. If you have a great designed site that looks good and performs well in search engines, people who have little ability to optimise take this code, change its characters to replicate their own product and then resubmit (known as reverse engineering). Next thing you know a competitors site is under yours or over it even in a matter of a month simply from using your code and layout. Copyright fixes this, however; you have to prove that the code belongs to you, this is harder than it sounds or you may think. This is why they can get away with it because proof of such a thing is nearly impossible within a court of law considering how many billion Websites are all written in HTML or similar. The main purpose was to enable a person to make a highly enhanced website that you could allow people to see, cloak it so the code could not be stolen and then take out the enhancements for people to actually view. This allows your legitimate ideas to still be accepted by the search engines. The fact is, people abused it immediately and then forgot that the search engine humans can still see what the spider brings back. Thus if you use this type of thing, expect to be banned or penalised in ranking.
Spam or Spamming - is classed as both of the above and also the repetitive submission of a site to attempt to improve its ranking by having a search engine believe the site is being spidered more often because it contains relevant ever changing material. This works with directories also, the more relevant links you have the higher your ranking, so lots of links to your site under the one directory would be great, but unfortunately the directory will see through this and generally have methods in place to stop it before it happens. Again, search engines have this type of cheating incorporated within their algorithm to flag it for human viewing. If you have a page with a thousand links pointing to your site, the search engine will flag it, be viewed and then you will be penalised for attempting to spam the engine with links that are not relevant. Spamming also covers hidden text and pages designed with no purpose than to deceive a search engine to believing it contains relevant material. A page you publish with nothing but text containing key phrase after phrase will be flagged and reviewed. Give it up as only people who know nothing about true website performance and optimisation have to resort to these methods.
Overview - If you do any of the above, or if a possible company you are going to employ utilises any of the above, forget it. At the end of the day, it is your site and your domain name, business name, etc that will be banned from the search engines. I wouldn't risk this if it were my site on the line. Only employ reputable companies that do not utilise any of these methods. They may sound appealing, but as I have said many times before, the search engines see this daily and their algorithms are designed around it to immediately penalise and flag for human editing and possible withdrawal from them.
What Is Your Newsletter About?
My newsletter is a simple monthly distribution about the SEO industry, marketing and optimization in basic terms. It details what is important to website owners in simple terms without all the technical rubbish. It lists recent articles, article of the month, recent events, coming events and basically anything important enough after the rubbish has been sifted out that you need to know about as a website owner.
What Is Search Engine Optimization?
You can find many explanations and relevant information on this topic within our articles.
What Are The Terms Of Your Service?
Simply, our terms are stated beside our packages. We do not barter prices, we do not negotiate with clients for extra incentives or rankings. We market our services on what we feel is comfortable to achieve without any rubbish between us and clients. Most clients freely accept our straight forward policy, some seem to think they can gain valuable information or services without payment first, being our terms. We do not accept, nor will communicate with prospective clients who believe they will dictate the terms to our company. We state this freely to stop any confusion now.
What Are Your Ranking Guarantee's?
We rank websites within the Top 20 for services that detail a guarantee. We generally achieve much higher rankings than this, though provide this as a buffer for us to achieve in the worst possible outcome. The better we do for you, the better your going to recommend our services, that's how we think when it comes to ranking your website. We have ranked websites that already perform within the Top 20, though have just improved positions for them, but still given the same guarantee.
Not all SEO companies offer Guarantee's, some even state to stay away from those who do, but this is more those that offer those #1 Guaranteed stuff. Rubbish is what that is. Nobody can offer a guaranteed #1 ranking for organic directory results. PPC, yes, organic directory results, NO. That is what you need to check with those companies. Most of the top global companies offer a guarantee of some description. We don't just aim to rank your site highly, that is only to get the targeted traffic. With the enhancements we make to your pages, we ensure your visitors follow through to the checkout to increase that ROI as much as possible. Basically, we do our utmost to ensure your extremely happy with the final result. We haven't had a dissatisfied customer yet. That in itself is a quality guarantee. Contact some for yourself. |