Test Your Business Support of Education
Fine tune your competitive advantage. Use this tool to improve the performance of your business TODAY! |
The following is a checklist of ideas other companies have used to improve their competitive advantage in recruiting and retaining a world class work force through strengthening their partnership with education. Most of these ideas cost little or no money.
We invite you to download the checklist and spend the next 10-15 minutes filling out this "test," with your company in mind. If you find there are things you are not doing but they seem to be of value, resource lists of programs that are working and places to go for more information are included at the end of each page and at the end of the test. It is our sincere hope you will take advantage of these opportunities to partner with our community's educators and benefit your company and your community.
If you would like more information about us, please contact:
Education Group Charlotte Chamber PO Box 32785 Charlotte, NC 28232 (704) 378-1301
Please feel free to copy and distribute this document to anyone you believe would be interested.
Part 1: Recruiting
Do you identify basic education requirements for all positions? |
Yes No |
Do you identify technical skills required for all positions? |
Yes No |
Do you use high school transcripts, Work Keys results, and/or skills resumes to assist in making your hiring decisions? |
Yes No |
Do you evaluate high school attendance data in making hiring decisions? |
Yes No |
Do you participate in an apprenticeship, internship, or career mentoring program for students? |
Yes No |
Do you have several entry level career paths that lead to higher level supervisory and managerial positions? |
Yes No |
Do you participate in career days with local high schools as a source for new recruits? |
Yes No |
Do you have and seek racial, ethnic, gender, and age diversity in your work force? |
Yes No |
Total Scores: _____ Yes's: _____ No's: _____ |
If you have more "no's" than you would like, consider the ideas and expertise listed below as well as references listed in the end of this test.
Where Do We Start?
Ask for high school transcripts from applicants for entry-level positions. Create and communicate career ladders and grow potential of entry-level jobs. Monitor hours worked by students and ask to se their grades each semester. Communicate specific skill requirements of high growth jobs to area high schools. Host field trips, job shadowing, and internship experiences for students and teachers.
Programs That Work:
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools' School-to-Career Department, Guidance & Student Services Department (704)343-3653
National Alliance of Business Workforce Development Efforts at www.NAB.com
Part 2: Employee Development
Do you offer on-site basic literacy programs for employees and their family members? |
Yes No |
Do you allow your employees to participate in off-site literacy programs at company expense or on company time? |
Yes No |
Do you offer tuition assistance programs for full time employees to attend area post-secondary institutions? |
Yes No |
Do you work with local schools and universities to develop courses to meet your company's training and development needs? |
Yes No |
Do you provide technical training to meet your company's current needs? |
Yes No |
Do you have a technology development plan for your company and a training program to support those futures needs? |
Yes No |
Do you have a mentoring program for your employees? |
Yes No |
Do you invest in your employees' development by paying for seminars and conferences? |
Yes No |
Do you offer opportunities for your employees to serve as management consultants to local schools or school districts? |
Yes No |
Do you invite school personnel to participate in your company's training seminars? |
Yes No |
Total Scores: _____ Yes's: _____ No's: _____ |
If you have more "no's" than you would like, consider the ideas and expertise listed below as well as references listed in the end of this test.
Where Do We Start?
Routinely inform employees about how to earn a GED or advanced degree. Offer flexibility in scheduling to those returning to school. Use employee publications to emphasize the importance of education for all ages. Have employees offer "skills clinics" to one another and recognize increased skill levels.
Programs That Work:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools-Partnership Department (704)343-6364
Central Piedmont Community College (704)330-6716
Part 3: Work/Family Support
Do you encourage employees to become active in school affairs? |
Yes No |
Do you encourage parents to attend parent-teacher conferences during working hours? |
Yes No |
Do you encourage employees to participate in tutoring or youth mentoring programs? |
Yes No |
Do you encourage employees to volunteer in schools? |
Yes No |
Do you provide assistance to employees in finding and funding high quality child care? |
Yes No |
Do you have flexible working hours? |
Yes No |
Do you have a leave policy that covers family illnesses, bereavements, and births or adoptions? |
Yes No |
Do you encourage and support participation on school boards and school committees? |
Yes No |
Do you provide parenting classes for employees? |
Yes No |
Total Scores: _____ Yes's: _____ No's: _____ |
If you have more "no's" than you would like, consider the ideas and expertise listed below as well as references listed in the end of this test.
Where Do We Start?
Publish schedules of local school board meetings. Conduct PTA membership drives with competitions and prizes. Use flextime to support school-related activities. Allow hourly vacation to attend school-related functions. Begin "job-sharing" programs. Join a consortium of businesses who support high quality child care and education. Hold lunchtime seminars on issues such as developing partnerships with schools, parenting, positive discipline and financing college tuition. Consider adopting a school. Hold volunteers fairs at your office.
Programs That Work:
www.cms.k12.nc.us Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools - Volunteers Partnership Department-(704)343-6217
Family Involvement (704)343-6216
Childcare Resources, Inc. 700 Kenilworth Avenue Charlotte, NC 28204 (704) 376-6697
Part 4: Community Trusteeship
Do you provide information to schools about your future employment needs? |
Yes No |
Do you give feedback to schools on why employees succeed or fail to meet work expectations? |
Yes No |
Do you let schools know what courses produced the best results in preparing employees for work in your company? |
Yes No |
Have you adopted or sponsored a school or schools? |
Yes No |
Do you provide employees for children who need mentors? |
Yes No |
Do you have programs to hire and train chronically underemployed or hard-to-employ people? |
Yes No |
Do you offer scholarships to support students who want to continue their education? |
Yes No |
Do you match employees' donations to educational institutions with funding, services, or equipment? |
Yes No |
Do you donate used equipment like fax machines and computers to schools when they've become obsolete in your company? |
Yes No |
Does your business support parent leadership training? |
Yes No |
Would your business be willing to allow employees release time to be involved in an extensive parent leadership training program? |
Yes No |
Does your business provide on-site parenting skills workshops? |
Yes No |
Does your business offer tips and suggestions for parents through employee publications and newsletters? |
Yes No |
Total Scores: _____ Yes's: _____ No's: _____ |
If you have more "no's" than you would like, consider the ideas and expertise listed below as well as references listed in the end of this test.
Where Do We Start?
Give employees time off during their work day to vote. Use employee publications to address current issues in education. Create an adopt-a-school partnership with your local district. Sponsor employees who want to run for public office especially local school board positions. Make donations of leftover new materials or gently used equipment.
Programs That Work:
Tools for Teachers equipment/materials donation programs (704)343-6364
Charlotte Mecklenburg Education Foundation (704)335-0100 (o), (704)334-3545 (f)
CharlotteMecklenburg Schools Partnerships Program use our web site cms.k12.nc.us, (704)343-6217 (o), (704)343-3991 (f)
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Guidance & Student Services 343-3653
Central Piedmont Community College (704)330-6566
Resources for Additional Information:
Related Links
Basic School Information
Education Committees
Education Trip To Raleigh
What's Working III Conference Series Archive