Grey Mullet
(Mugil cephalus)
Other common names:
Common Mullet.
Bully Mullet.
Flathead Mullet.
Upper body olive-green to grey.
Silvery sides and a white belly.
Short pectoral fins and a large 'V' shaped tail.
Flattened head with large eyes and thin lips.
Typical location:
In calm waters around islands, near rivers and estuaries.
Over sand or mud bottom in salt, brackish and freshwater.
Must return to saltwater in order to breed.
Fishing methods:
Flyfishing with dry as well as wet flies.
Fishing with bread or weed floating on or near surface.
Fighting characteristics:
A powerful first run, followed by yet another powerful run!
An extremely good fighter on light tackle, that shouldn't be underestimated.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots for catching Grey Mullet: