Threadfin Salmon
(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)
Other common names:
Fourfinger Threadfin.
Cooktown Salmon.
Bluntnose Salmon.
Complete body covered with small scales.
Upper body grey-green, silvery sides and brilliant silver belly.
Dark edges on the tail and the large second dorsal fin.
Blunt nose and four threaded pectoral fins.
Temperature range:
21 - 30 Celsius (70 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Shallow and calm water with muddy bottom in salt, brackish and fresh water.
Fishing methods:
Lure casting with spinners and minnows.
Flyfishing wit dry as well as wet flies.
Baitfishing with live prawns.
Fighting characteristics:
An extremely fast fighter, that often surprises with a few extra runs.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots for catching Threadfin Salmon: