(Megalops cyprinoides)
Other common names:
Oxeye Tarpon
Broussonet Tarpon
Ox-eye Herring
Complete body covered with large scales.
Upper body blue-grey, silvery sides and brilliant silver belly.
Deeply forked tail and greatly elongated dorsal fin.
A huge mouth with projecting and upturned lower jaw with bony plates and no teeth.
Very large black eyes.
Typical location:
In estuaries and coastal waters, rivers and mangrove forests.
Note: In Phuket, this species is mainly found in Par Lai Lake.
Fishing methods:
Flies, spinners, sub-surface lures or shrimps.
Fighting characteristics:
An extremely good fighter with lots of stamina that will mix
surface jumps with several very fast runs until exhausted.
The ultimate catch on light tackle.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots for catching Tarpon: