Bigeye Trevally
(Caranx sexfasciatus)
Other common names:
Bigeye Kingfish.
Great Trevally.
Upper body blue-green and lower body silver.
Blunt head and large eyes.
Slightly curved pectoral fins.
Keel at junction of body and tail.
V-shaped tail.
Temperature range:
25 - 29 Celsius (77 - 84 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
Around reefs and rocky islands.
In passes or outside the reef during the daytime.
Fishing methods:
Jigging at drift or anchor.
Casting poppers.
Bait fishing with live or dead crab, squid, shrimp or fish.
Fighting characteristics:
A good fighter with several powerful runs and a lot of direction changes.
Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots for catching Bigeye Trevally: