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lucy arnold

gallery contact resume shows

 Lucy Arnold lives in Marin County, California with her husband Michael and children Julie and Jeff.

Artist Statement           

I love color, and that is my primary tool of expression.  Intense color is the one characteristic that all my artworks in numerous styles and media have in  common.  I use color in abstract pieces to show balance, transformation, and interaction of energies.  These pieces are created in many layers.  Something of each layer is allowed to show through to increase the sense of multiple dimensions.

An internal vision or feeling may serve as my inspiration. A stray bit of nature such as a feather, leaf, or shell may also be the starting point of creativity.  A simple object may ignite a powerful internal reaction as inner and outer nature meet. Whether the finished piece is a highly realistic depiction or completely abstract, I strive to imbue my art with a sense of the mystery, beauty, and sacredness I find in the world and universe. 




2004              Merit Award, "Inspired by Nature", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2004               Featured Artist, Artisans First National Watercolor Juried Exhibition, CA

2003               Honorable Mention, Cafe del Arts Online Art Contest

2003                Merit Award, "All Creatures Great and Small," Artisans, CA   

2003                Invited Artist, "Abstraction!", Marin Arts Council, MC Civic Center, CA

2003                Third Place, "Panorama of Patterns", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003                Featured Artist, Community Institute for Psychotherapy, Mill Valley, CA

2002-3             Elected member, Advisory Board, Marin  Society of Artists, CA

2002                Merit Award, "Blossoms", Artisans, CA

2002                Featured Artist, "Contemporary Abstracts"    Artisans, CA   

2002                Juror, "Spring Rental Show", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                Honorable Mention, "Interiors", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                Juror, "Fall Rental Show", Marin Society of Artists, Ca

2001                Invited Artist, Connections", Marin Technology Center, CA

2001                Invited Artist, "Mixed Media Show", Water Dragon, CA

2001                Second Place, "Vernal Equinox", Artisans, CA

2001                Juror, "Shapes and Scapes", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2000                Award of Merit, "Contemporary Visions", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2000                Invited Artist, "Awakening to the Earth", Earth Day Marin 2000,CA

1998                First Place, "Most Beautiful Egg", Downtown Art Center, CA

1998                Juror, "Mt. Tam, Landscape and Spirit", Artisans, Ca

1998                First, Second, and Honorable Mention, Marin County Fair, Ca

1998                Juror, "Waterworks", Artisans, CA

1998                Juror, Artist Membership, Artisans, CA

1997                Featured Artist, "Dreams and Visions", Artisans, CA

1998                Featured Artist, WOW Art Salons, CA

1997                Featured Artist, WOW Art Salons, CA

1985                First Place, Professional Watercolor, "Chevy Chase Exhibit", MD

1984                Second Place, "Rockville Art League Juried Show", M

Solo Exhibitions

2003               “Colorful Buzz”, Starbucks, Mill Valley, CA

2002                "Lucy Arnold: From Realism to Abstraction", Solarium, Novato, CA

2002                "Visions in Watercolor, Pastel, Mixed Media", WaterDragon, Fairfax, CA

2002                "Range of Vision", Rolling Hills Country Club, Novato, CA

2001                "Water Dragon Presents", Fairfax, CA

2000                "Dragon's Choice", Fairfax, CA

1999                "Forms of Nature", New House Gallery, Branson School, Ross, CA

1999                "Spring Show", Ristorante La Toscana, San Rafael, CA

1998                "New Work", Cafe Arrivederci, San Rafael, CA

1998                "Downtown Artworks Presents Lucy Arnold", City Cafe, San Rafael, CA

1998                "New Work of Lucy Arnold", San Geronimo Golf Club, CA

1998                "Works on Paper", Ristorante Fabrizio, Larkspur, CA

1997                "Feast for the Eyes", Cafe Italia Ristorante, San Rafael, CA

1997                "Color Visions", Mane Tamers, Fairfax, CA

1997                "Inner Echoes", Center for Massage Therapy, Mill Valley, CA

1991                "Inner and Outer Nature", Fitzgerald Gallery, Tarrytown, NY

Juried Exhibitions             

2004              "Inspired by Nature", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003               "Galaxy of Color", Gallery One, Petaluma, CA

2003               "All Creatures Great and Small", Artisans, Mill Valley, CA

2003               "Open Fine Arts", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003               "Breaking Barriers", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003                "Panorama of Patterns", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003                "Almost White", Gallery One, Petaluma, CA

2002                "Exploring Possibilities", Gallery One, Petaluma, CA2002

2002                "Small Treasures", Indian Valley Artists, Ignacio, CA

2002                "Mythology & Fantasy", Artisans, Mill Valley, CA

2002                "Blossoms", Artisans, CA

2002                "Art with a Heart 2002", San Rafael, CA

2002                "Back to Basics: Representation, Rhythm, Realism", Gallery One, Petaluma, CA

2002                "So Hey, What's New?", Marin Society of Artists, Ross, CA

2002                "Fine Art of Craft", Artisans, Mill Valley, CA

2001                "Seeing Red", Gallery One, Petaluma, CA

2001                "Exploring Possibilities", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                "Open Fine Arts", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                "Open Fine Arts", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                "Interiors: Creations from Your Core", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                "New Work", Artisans, CA

2001                "Vernal Equinox", Artisans, CA

2001                "Nature Up Close", Artisans, CA

2001                "Spring Garden Exhibit", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2001                "Secrets", Artisans, CA

2000                "Winter Invitational", Artisans, CA

2000                "73rd Annual Membership Show", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2000                "Fall Rental Show", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2000                "Form: Paper and Fiber", Artisans, CA

2000                "Spring Rental Garden Show", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2000                "MSA College Invitational", Marin Society of Artists, CA

1999, 2000      "Artist's Choice", Marin Society of Artists, CA

1999, 2000      "Contemporary Visions", Marin Society of Artists, CA

1999                "Artists' Prerogative", Marin Society of Artists, CA

1999                "Things With Wings", Artisans, CA

1998-2001       "Fall Rental Show", Marin Society of Artists, CA

1998                "Open Crafts Exhibit", Marin Society of Artists, CA

1998                "All Creatures Great and Small", Artisans, CA

1996                "Birdwatch", Artisans, CA

1991                "Juried Membership Show", Mamaroneck Artists' Guild, NY

1990                "Friends of the Framing Gallery Invitational Show", Hawthorne, NY

1987                "Annual Juried Show", Chappaqua Art Guild, NY

1984                "Annual juried Show", Rockville Art League, MD

1980                "California Garden Show", San Francisco, CA

1980                "YWCA Women's Festival of the Arts", Oakland, CA

Community Art Activity

2003-4            Show Chair: "MSA National Juried Show", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003                Show Chair: "Light, Color, Action", Marin Society of Artists, CA

2003                Show Chair: "Terrain, Familiar and Foreign", Marin Society of Artists

2003                "Just Do It", Marin Society of Artists Member's Show, CA

2002-4            Advisory Board, Marin Society of Artists, CA

2002                Artist Mentor, Shadowing Day, Tamalpais High, Mill Valley, CA

2002                "Art in Action", Indian Valley Artists Members Show, CA

2000                Show Chair and Curator, "Artisans Invitational 2000", Artisans, CA

1997-2001      Show Committee Chairperson, Artisans, CA

1998                Show Chair, "Small Artworks", Artisans, CA

1998                "Marin A La Carte", San Rafael, CA   

1996-1998      "Youth in Arts San Rafael Street Painting Festival", CA

1998                Show Chair,  "Small Artworks", Artisans, CA

1997                Show Chair, "Dreams and Visions", Artisans, CA

1997-2000      "Marin Arts council Membership Exhibition", Ross, CA

1997-2000      Career Day Presenter, Novato Schools, CA

1996-1999      Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival, CA

1996                Roy Helm's Contemporary Crafts Market, San Francisco, CA

1994-2000       Public School Art Docent, Novato, CA  


1996-2004       Artisans, CA

2003-2006       Cannonball Fine Arts, CA

1998-2004       Marin Society of Artists, CA

1999-2002       Gallery One, CA

1999-2003       The Water Dragon, CA

2000-2002       Solarium, Novato, CA

1998                 Marin Designer's Showcase Gift Shop, CA

1996-1997       William Lester's Gallery, Point Reyes Station, CA

1997                 On the Road to Hanalei, HI

1987-1988       Scarborough Gallery, Chappaqua, NY


1989                Westchester Art Workshop, NY

1988                 State University of  New York at Purchase, NY

1982-1983       Palo Alto Cultural Center, CA

1980-1981       California College of Arts and Crafts, CA

1976                 B.S. with Honors, University of California at Santa Cruz, CA


2004                Featured on "Crafters Coast to Coast" , HGTV, to air in fall of 2004

2004                Embellished Alphabet, "Lucy's Letters", produced by Mrs. Grossman's Paper Co.

2003                12 images licensed to Wholesalers USA for sculptural shadowbox pictures 

1999                Two images plus title page in "Women Artists 2001 Datebook", Cedco Publishing

Art Affiliations

1996-2004       Artisans

2002-2004       California Watercolor Association

1997-2004       Marin Society of Artists

1999- 2004      Society of Layerists in Multi Media

1997-2004       Marin Arts Council

2002-2003       Indian Valley Artists

Design Business

1976-1988       Owner/Designer, "Designs by Lucy" hand painted needlepoint canvases, national distribution


Corporate        7 Pieces, National Institutes of Health, MD

Private            Numerous in California, Washington, Vermont, Maryland, New York
